Historical Information for Vagha

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Amisi 1.00
Thiini 3.00
Hemaki 4.36
Huveang De 5.10
Amijara 6.40
Vardh 7.14
Bhagutsuk 7.87
Ulangin 8.25
Naren 9.00
Chicoana 9.80
Baraluhet 10.05
Gliese 3299 10.49
Koraj 11.00
HIP 17719 12.85
Wulidjin 12.96
Ross 591 13.38
Gallavs 13.75
Pyritapiyar 14.18
HIP 20094 14.56

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Vagha Blue Hand Gang Happy 2.41% 2 days ago
Vagha Travel Commodities Happy 3.01% 2 days ago
Co-operative of Vagha Happy 3.51% 2 days ago
Barons of Vagha Happy 4.21% 2 days ago
Black Adder Armada Happy 6.92% 2 days ago
Beasts of Bestia Happy 16.45% 2 days ago
Nagii Union Expansion Happy 63.49% 2 days ago


Name # Ly
Amijara 5 6.40
Igbon 4 16.16
Aluru 5 18.71
Guari 4 18.92
Maidareldi 6 22.11
Jamapa 5 22.49
Njang 5 24.37
Allowini 5 24.68
Gliese 9119 6 24.74
Guan Zaihe 6 25.40