Historical Information for Valdawongol

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Flechankob 7.48
Hyades Sector EB-X d1-106 8.37
Hyades Sector EB-X d1-104 9.22
HIP 26018 9.70
Thra Atius 10.63
Lamgana 11.53
Grebayeb 11.87
Sieni 12.37
Koljak 12.88
Ticua 13.19
Varrala 13.34
Tarbalu 13.75
Lenty 14.53
HIP 25860 15.13
Ulla 15.26
HIP 25195 15.30
Bwgcolmasci 15.81
Tawembalis 16.09
1 Geminorum 16.31

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Valdawongol Purple Council Happy 1.0% 21 hours ago
Bureau of Valdawongol Order Happy 1.8% 21 hours ago
Bureau of Valdawongol Dominion Happy 5.79% 21 hours ago
Revolutionary Valdawongol Resistance Election Happy 10.69% 21 hours ago
After Earth Stellar Alliance Election Happy 10.69% 21 hours ago
Sieni Mafia Happy 21.78% 21 hours ago
Valdawongol Crimson Natural Ind Happy 48.25% 21 hours ago


Name # Ly
Hyades Sector EB-X d1-106 5 8.37
Hyades Sector EB-X d1-104 5 9.22
Lenty 6 14.53
Ulla 6 15.26
HIP 25195 6 15.30
Hyades Sector SJ-P b6-1 6 18.71
Synten 6 18.81
Yum Cimil 6 22.05
Seguaje 6 25.10
Xiripa 6 25.48