Historical Information for Varpet

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Akandinigua 3.74
Tiliala 6.40
Bedaho 7.87
Dyr 9.38
Athena 11.87
CD-51 2650 13.38
Kaun 13.49
Kistha 13.60
b2 Carinae 13.60
Arannos 13.93
UBV 8670 14.32
Neali 14.35
Matio 14.59
Uhlan 15.00
Andceeth 15.68
Nungar 15.78
Anukam 16.25
UGP 145 16.40
Votama 16.91

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Enigma Dyson Syndicate Expansion Happy 4.07% 8 hours ago
Workers of Varpet Labour Union Happy 4.37% 8 hours ago
Varpet Liberty Party Happy 6.25% 8 hours ago
Varpet Industries Happy 8.83% 8 hours ago
Traditional Varpet Freedom Party Happy 11.21% 8 hours ago
Conservatives of Tiliala Happy 26.98% 8 hours ago
The Black Fleet Happy 38.29% 8 hours ago


Name # Ly
Tiliala 5 6.40
Mebech 6 17.49