Historical Information for Vigr

Nearby Systems

Name LY
BD+32 4747 4.90
Bida 5.83
Kaupatak 6.48
Nedos 9.00
Kolyawa 10.77
LHS 3980 11.18
LTT 16910 12.21
Hupako 13.42
Kotilekui 14.73
Snoqui Xian 14.87
HR 17 14.87
Yingo 15.39
Imiutli 16.31
Glaucus 16.43
6 Andromedae 16.91
BD+26 8 17.23
Wodiwodi 17.35
MCC 868 17.46
LHS 3976 17.49

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Brothers of Vigr Happy 1.0% 6 hours ago
Vigr Silver Control Ltdrporation Happy 2.4% 6 hours ago
Vigr Dominion Happy 5.19% 6 hours ago
Vigr Coalition Happy 5.89% 6 hours ago
Church of the Space Cat Happy 9.39% 6 hours ago
Apex Executive Boom Happy 30.37% 6 hours ago
Interstellar Technology Research Corporation Happy 45.75% 6 hours ago


No Expansion Candidates Vigr