Historical Information for Wardovik

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Zhonawasi 2.24
HIP 118115 3.00
Nefes 6.71
HIP 118146 7.28
Seurbi 8.66
HIP 1134 10.25
Dhak 10.44
Kharyi 13.15
Aranner 13.34
Lu Yai 13.93
Gucumatassa 14.04
Awngtei Ji 14.87
HIP 118020 15.07
Velabiani 16.55
LP 644-15 16.58
Hangu 16.82
HIP 117002 16.82
HIP 1573 17.69
Picuni 17.80

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Lords of Wardovik Happy 4.09% about 1 month ago
Dhak Jet Life Industries Happy 4.59% about 1 month ago
Dhak Union Party Happy 9.08% about 1 month ago
Nationals of Seurbi Happy 9.58% about 1 month ago
HIP 118146 Purple Bridge Group Happy 15.07% about 1 month ago
Green Party of Nefes Happy 21.06% about 1 month ago
Confederation of Zhonawasi Happy 36.53% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
Kharyi 6 13.15
Lu Yai 6 13.93
Kanomota 6 19.13
Uiburni 6 22.05
Bunjil 6 23.45