Historical Information for Wolf 1042

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Gliese 4366 10.68
HIP 116984 11.49
HIP 117960 13.15
San Neb Xoc 13.34
Aruan 13.38
Lafquene 13.93
Yashas 14.07
Nu Guana 14.14
Moronit 14.49
Veneres 14.73
Mannosuse 15.13
8 Kappa Piscium 15.17
10 Theta Piscium 16.06
Tekenks 16.28
HIP 117461 16.31
Uiburni 16.43
Breamen 16.91
HIP 117235 18.03
Bastas 18.41

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Wolf 1042 Purple Brothers Happy 5.35% about 1 month ago
United Veneres Confederacy Happy 8.23% about 1 month ago
League of Wolf 1042 Constitution Party Election Happy 12.59% about 1 month ago
Dominion of Wolf 1042 Election Happy 12.59% about 1 month ago
Progressive Party of Wolf 1042 Happy 16.75% about 1 month ago
Wolf 1042 Solutions Happy 18.83% about 1 month ago
Workers of Hevernaku Union Party Happy 25.67% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
HIP 116984 6 11.49
Moronit 6 14.49
Veneres 6 14.73
10 Theta Piscium 5 16.06
Uiburni 6 16.43
Bastas 5 18.41
Pemez 4 18.87
HIP 115697 5 22.20
HIP 117236 6 22.58
Kannon 6 23.41
HIP 943 6 23.96
Pibelmen 6 24.72
HIP 114588 6 25.02