Historical Information for Wonorne Nu

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Pathan 4.90
Nastrond 11.00
Arawoyn 12.08
LP 350-75 12.69
Taribes 14.76
Paiyungh 15.43
LP 295-2 16.31
Skappa 16.49
Daruwutja 17.00
Arimil 18.06
LHS 1275 18.25
Lemoerdhis 18.28
Arikaras 18.41
LHS 6027 19.42
Mwamba 19.80
LP 349-61 20.05
Kaupatak 20.15
Volithigga 20.64
Wunab 20.74

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Wonorne Nu Exchange Pirate Attack Happy 4.2% 11 hours ago
Wonorne Nu Natural Limited Happy 5.69% 11 hours ago
Wonorne Nu Values Party Happy 7.79% 11 hours ago
Wonorne Nu Party Happy 12.09% 11 hours ago
Defence Party of Nastrond Expansion War Happy 13.49% 11 hours ago
Pan Galactic Mining Corp. Expansion War Happy 13.49% 11 hours ago
Brotherhood of Terra Mater Happy 43.26% 11 hours ago


Name # Ly
Nastrond 5 11.00