
Name SML Mug Gin
Brunt Excavation Enterprise L
Bugrov Outpost S M  
Russ Survey S M L  
Ryu's Burrow S L
Yamamoto Excavation Hub S L

Closest systems to Glinja


11.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amato Drilling Site S
Pike Landing S M  
Vasylyshin Drilling Base S L


11.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Belezjak Mineralogic Claim
Bertin Holdings S M L  
Bobko Orbital S M L  
Dawkes Spa S L
Dirac Port S M  
Dzuba Industrial Plant S
Hopkins Terminal S M  
Ihejirika Nutritional S
Kaplan Extraction Base S
Moller Visitor Lodge S L
Mulligan Drilling Base S L
Nasmyth Landing S M L  
Oyawale Boarding Complex S L
Sangweni's Lot S L
Shipton Vision S M L  


11.35 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Clauss Mines S M  
Veblen Camp S M  

HR 7263

11.75 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Deb Dock S M  
Ericsson Settlement S M  


12.2 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Fincke Orbital S M L  
Hale Industrial Creations
Hardy Industries M
Hennessy's Engineering
Malyarenko Engineering Silo L
Pohl's Constructions M
Ratcliffe's Workshop M
Rey Chemical Assembly M
Rodgers Chemical
Selye Point S M L  
Sung Pharmacology S
Teng-hui Orbital S M  
Wei Astrophysics Enterprise


12.79 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baudin Beacon S M L  
Benoit Cultivation Enterprise S
Corbin Agricultural Plantation S L
Dana Platform S M  
Irwin Enterprise S M  
Laird Refinery S M L  
Min Botanics S
Sung Nutrition Complex S
Viktorenko Base S M L  
Vitale Horticultural Centre S L


13.28 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bondar's Claim S M  
Mahto Genomics S L
Openko Biochemical Installation S L

HIP 96184

15.08 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Fisher Colony S M  
Korolenko Mining Facility L
Lehmann Metallurgic Enterprise L
Martin Nutrition Hub S
Newland Excavation Hub S L
Sartre's Mineralogical S L
Schottky Terminal S M  
Steinmuller Depot S M L  

HIP 95309

15.27 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gaspar de Lemos Vision S M L  
Hernandez's Constructions L
J. G. Ballard Terminal S M L  
   Linaweaver Enterprise - - - -
Oswald Barracks S M L  
Oyinlola Synthetics Foundry L
Schroder Excavation Enterprise S


15.33 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aniefuna's Fortress S L
Anyadike Research Site S
Ariss Biological Site S
Asaro Landing S M  
Baibuza Research Installation S
Barnett Hydroponics Nursery S
Bazin's Consulting S
Becker Biological Lab S
Biobaku Research Enterprise S L
Brinkmann's Biological S
Carvajal Hydroponics Nursery S
Correa Agricultural Farm S
Dawes Arms Hub S M
Deshmukh Synthetics Holdings S
Dubey Hydroponics Biosphere S
Fahnbulleh Military Enterprise S
Gidey's Liberty S L
Giuliani Manufacturing Silo L
Goncharenko Arsenal S L
Gough's Dock S L
Gulyaev Depot S M L  
Hartmann Horticultural Plantation S
Horwood Biochemical Assembly S
Jarvis Research Centre S
Krause's Genetics S
Kuharenko Military Bastion S L
Majoro Biological S L
Mangal Entertainment District S L
Martins Analysis Centre S
Mead Arms Facility M
Mofu's Horizon M
Morita Analytics Lab S L
Munoz Biological Consulting S
Murakami's Dock S L
Murata Command Facility S L
Nakagawa's Leisure S L
Nakayama Genetics Laboratory S
Nerodych Command Installation S L
Nunez's Point M
Oladele Industrial Foundry L
Olatunji Military Facility S M
Osman's Bay S L
Oyekan Military Site M
Pan Hydroponics Collection S
Pelt City S M  
Ramos's Biome S
Simelane Engineering Complex S L
Suk Genomics S
Valentino Defence Installation S M
Whittaker's Globe S L
Zhadan Jurisdiction S L

Col 285 Sector ID-I c10-6

15.64 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Dobrovolskiy Point S M L  

HR 7047

15.92 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Christensson Synthetics Enterprise S
Davies Boarding Hostel
Diaw Industrial Installation L
Diaz Mining Rigs S L
Doi Base S M L  
Geeson Synthetics Workshop
Grant Dock S M L  
Ibanez's Prospect S
Kafka Terminal S M  
Morita Excavation Complex
Rivas Manufacturing Base
   Sasaki Engineering Facility - - - -
Scholtz Metallurgic Exchange L
Soper Penal colony S M L  
The Den S M L  
Zadzisai's Chemicals S L


16.34 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Besonders Beacon S M L  
Bottego Vision S M L  
Feustel Enterprise S M  
Khan Colony S M  
Ki Mineralogic Claim S L
Tutunnyk Drilling Enterprise L
Walter Relay S M L  


16.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adams Ring S M L  
Bai Military Complex S M
Basu Engineering Site L
Brackett Arsenal S M L  
Farias Nutrition Holding S
Giuliani Mineralogic Hub S
Tilley Vision S M L  


16.59 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alexandria Hub S M L  
Frimout Port S M  
Morgan's Outpost S L
Palmer Works S M L  
Read Relay S M L  
Shvets Synthetics Facility S
Teng-hui Port S M  
Vasyluk Industrial Exchange S
Watt-Evans Bastion S M L