HR 7047

Name SML Mug Gin
Christensson Synthetics Enterprise S
Davies Boarding Hostel
Diaw Industrial Installation L
Diaz Mining Rigs S L
Doi Base S M L  
Geeson Synthetics Workshop
Grant Dock S M L  
Ibanez's Prospect S
Kafka Terminal S M  
Morita Excavation Complex
Rivas Manufacturing Base
   Sasaki Engineering Facility - - - -
Scholtz Metallurgic Exchange L
Soper Penal colony S M L  
The Den S M L  
Zadzisai's Chemicals S L

Closest systems to HR 7047


10.82 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Hirano Industrial Silo L
Lorenz's Mine S
Neumann Biochemical Facility S
Pudwill Gorie City S M  
Rayne Synthetics Enterprise
Rizvi Horizons S M L  
Slusser Landing S M L  


12.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Fincke Orbital S M L  
Hale Industrial Creations
Hardy Industries M
Hennessy's Engineering
Malyarenko Engineering Silo L
Pohl's Constructions M
Ratcliffe's Workshop M
Rey Chemical Assembly M
Rodgers Chemical
Selye Point S M L  
Sung Pharmacology S
Teng-hui Orbital S M  
Wei Astrophysics Enterprise

HIP 91479

12.91 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akpabio Nutrition Facility S L
Bogdanov Stop  
Carver Mine S M  
Singer Dock S M  

Col 285 Sector ID-I c10-6

13.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Dobrovolskiy Point S M L  

HR 7263

14.42 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Deb Dock S M  
Ericsson Settlement S M  


15.01 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aleksandrov Colony S M L  
Briscoe Hydroponics Complex S L
Carvajal Manufacturing Site S L
Dunn Installation S M L  
Kostenko Cultivation Hub S
Saez Mineralogic Facility S L
Thompson Holdings S M  
Wohler Camp S M L  


15.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Borlaug Dock S M  
Castro Synthetics Foundry S
Chabra Engineering Depot S L
Seong Synthetics Facility S L
Winne Base S M L  
Zhilenko Industrial Assembly S
Zhilenko's Works L

Akba Atacab

15.67 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arrowsmith Excavation Site S
Bargh Mineralogic Complex
Bueckardt's View M
Chun Prospecting Facility M
Clarke Spa
Datla Genetics Institution
Desmond Prospecting S L
Dewsnap Construction S L
Dovzhenko Cultivation Biome
Frost's Biome
Johnson Plant S M  
Jones City S M L  
Jun Base S M L  
Legendre Prospect S M  
Lockett Biological Laboratory
Nechuy Agricultural
Rhee Horticultural Plantation
Rivas Prospecting Base
Rodriguez Dredging Reserve S
Sandoval Hydroponics
Santarem Holdings S M L  
Seidel Metallurgic Claim
Sousa Leisure Zone
Sugimoto Cultivation Estate
Ueda Excavation Exchange
Vera Engineering Site S L
Vyshnya Horticultural Nursery S
Wilkins Excavation Site
Yin Sanctuary


15.92 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brunt Excavation Enterprise L
Bugrov Outpost S M  
Russ Survey S M L  
Ryu's Burrow S L
Yamamoto Excavation Hub S L

Yi Dhodere

16.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon's Nest M
Amos Cultivation Nursery S L
Ashford Extraction Site S
Chung Drilling Hub S L
Corner Prospecting Hub L
Cottenot Depot S M L  
Dhar Bridge S L
Dubey Astrophysics Forum S
Ele Drilling Facility S L
Etienam Excavation Base S
Fiorentino's Consulting S
Garg Mineralogic Platform S
Garrido Mining Platform S L
Heath Synthetics Silo L
Nixon Settlement S M  
Okusanya Astrophysics Laboratory S L
Peng's Mineralogical M
Rodriguez Drilling Base S L
Romano Industrial Productions S
Rubruck Depot S M  
Salinas's Biosphere S
Schroder Research Expedition S
Slusar Military Bastion M
Stott Metallurgic Facility M
Tsybulya Industrial Works S
Vasquez de Coronado Works S M L  


16.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Sarich Station S M L  


16.82 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barentsz Barracks S M L  
Bianco's Claim M
Evans Port S M L  
Hague Landing S M L  
Kraepelin Mines S M  
Mach Camp S M L  
Mendy Visitor Resort S L
Mofu Agricultural Site S
Murata Defence Hub M
Rukavishnikov Orbital S M  
Ryabokin Hydroponics Base S
Shelley Arsenal S M L  
Zelenko Metallurgic Site L


16.82 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Blanchard Botanical S L
Daramy Horticultural Estate S L
Grigson Escape S M  
Howarth Nutrition Base S
Kotzebue Landing S M L  
Lamar Hydroponics Garden S L
Markey Prospecting Facility S
Papacosta Botanical Plantation S
Prohasko Horticultural Farm S L
Shaikh Mines S M  
Vries' Folly S M L  


17.42 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gaspar de Portola Dock S M L  
Kneale Dock S M  
Rond d'Alembert Vision S M L  
Wright Penal colony S M L  


17.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Analytics Enterprise S
Aloisio Military Camp S M
Anvil Hub S M  
Arrowsmith Research Site S L
Bajwa's Resolve S L
Barbet Industrial S
Barbier Military Stockade S L
Bazin Genetics Exploration S
Biswas's Point S
Bohm Astrophysics Forum S
Bortnik Honour M
Brunt Liberty S L
Calvo Research Complex S
Charman Command Complex S L
Chisholm Synthetics Silo M
Clayton Nutrition Hub S
Cortes Honour S M
Craig Industrial Works L
Crozier Garrison M
Davis Encampment M
Dawkes Manufacturing L
Denisenko Command Installation M
Flores Defence Facility M
Frost Command Base S L
Gallardo's Expedition S
Geiger Manufacturing Site S
Gokhale's Industrial S
Gough Biochemical Assembly S
Haldar Astrophysics Facility S
Henriquez Industrial S
Horsman Industrial Foundry M
Huntley Biological Complex S
Kikelomo Defence Installation S M
Kikuchi's Landing S M
Klein Military Installation M
Koo Biochemical Laboratory S
Kovalevskaya Holdings S M  
Kozak's Encampment M
Maiga Analytics Centre S
Mallett Command Complex M
Mangal Armament M
Marsh Cultivation Holdings S L
Mendez Landing S M
Mitchell Resolve S L
Mofu's Astrophysics S
Mohanty's Fortification M
Murphy Engineering Base L
Nomura's Works S L
Olowe Defence Outpost S L
Onai Defence Hub M
Pan Defence Complex S L
Park's Laboratory S
Pascali Command Point S L
Petlura's Jurisdiction M
Pettitt Synthetics Enterprise S L
Phillips Manufacturing Workshop L
Polubotok Manufacturing Complex S
Pribylov Port S M L  
Quandt Industrial Base M
Quiroga Command Site S L
Rodgers Munitions Site S M
Rymill Biochemical S L
Sankoh Munitions Enterprise M
Silves Keep S M L  
Simelane Chemical Foundry S
Taniguchi Genetics Facility S
Vaillant's Research S
   Velho Arena - - - -
Verquerre Engineering Exchange S L
Whittaker's Laboratory S
Zubairu Military Stockade S M