
Name SML Mug Gin
Aitken Mines S M  
Amano Installation S M L  
Clark Exchange S M L  
Schomburg Mines S M  
Szymanski and Udalski Hub S M L  
Tremethick Mineralogic Enterprise S
Verquerre Drilling Installation S L

Closest systems to Ingui


6.0 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bhardwaj Nutrition Habitat S L
Cook Chemical Foundry S L
d'Arrest Landing S M  
Desikan Hydroponics Habitat S
   Dukaj's Inheritance - - - -
Fahnbulleh Forge L
   Fairbairn Base - - - -
Hao Engineering Silo L
Hardy's Reserve M
Hickey's Productions L
Hunter Cultivation Holding S
Iglesias Mining Facility L
Kendrick Depot S M L  
Kisekka Cultivation Estate S L
Kolev Manufacturing Installation S
Kranz Dock S M  
Lafitte's Syntheticals S
Lima Industries S
Nadiradze Horizons S M L  
Nenge Chemical Foundry S
   Park Stop - - - -
   Phillifent's Inheritance - - - -
   Powers Laboratory - - - -
Rahman's Engineering S
Rudenko Engineering Silo L
Scholz Research Lab S
Seidel's Minerals S
Tanner Industrial Complex L
Tapia Drilling Exploration S L
Tirjak Mineralogic Reserve S
Tousey Holdings S M L  
Ukah Synthetics Foundry L
Vinet Chemical Assembly L
Wilder Depot S M L  
Yoon Metallurgic Claim L

HIP 20869

10.91 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Asami Port S M L  
Barrera Arsenal S L
Chang Military Facility S M
Corner Genetics Institution S L
Doroshenko Pharmacology S L
Fujii Chemical Assembly L
Grover Biological Facility S
Guerrero's Engineering L
Hammond Astrophysics Expedition S
Hyeon Military Installation M
Jung Landing S M  
Kapadia Dredging Site M
Mancini Metallurgic Exchange S
Molina Industrial Workshop S
Moller Chemical Complex L
Moulin Arms Encampment S L
Nischan Astrophysics Assembly S
Panasenko Engineering Forge S
Poirier's Manufacturings L
Polubotok Industrial Site L
Riccioli Mines S M  
Sangweni Manufacturing Forge L
Umburter Industrial Forge L
Vogel Landing M

HIP 22150

11.61 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Altuna's Progress - - - -
Anotidaishe Prospecting Complex L
Baldwin Keep S M L  
Bojti Prospecting Installation L
Crossland Agricultural Collection S L
Dhar Mining Site S
Miyazaki Drilling Installation S L
Molina's Reserve M
Okuni Beacon S M  
Ozarkevich Metallurgic Base S L
Simon Horticultural Habitat S L
Vincent Mines M
Webb Beacon S M  
Worster Prospecting Complex S


14.12 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beauchene's Works M
Bianchi Biochemical Institution S
Brandt Prospecting Territory S
Brandt's Mine L
Cavalcante Mining Platform S
Corner Chemical Site M
   Denning Horizons - - - -
Dhawan Keep S M L  
Dzsejt Chemical Hub M
Faconti Industrial Workshop S L
Godoy's Prospect L
Grunsfeld Beacon S M  
Hong's Burrow S
Jia Industrial Depot S L
Kwon Synthetics Silo L
   Lindblad Installation - - - -
Margulies Arsenal  
McDermott Vision S M  
Pavlenko Astrophysics Installation S
Peralta Metallurgic Complex S L
Pereira Excavation Hub S
Rosewell Horticultural Holding S
Rybalka Agricultural Plantation S
South Cultivation Exchange S L
Syvolap Analysis Facility S
   Toll Base - - - -
Torres Chemical Productions S
Ueno Chemical Facility L
Vincent Genomics S


15.38 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anyadike Extraction Facility S
   Asher Base - - - -
Battani Depot S M  
Deol Dredging Enterprise S L
Herreshoff Depot S M L  
Jimenez Extraction Prospect L
Kim's Mine S L
Kozak Extraction Rigs L
Loboda Metallurgic Site S
Lopez Mineralogic Complex S
Morais Mining Enterprise S
Noel Excavation Territory S
Reddy Mineralogic Site S
Toro Drilling Complex S
Vytrebenko Mineralogic Reserve S
Wen Extraction Territory S


16.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Belezjak Astrophysics Institution S
Breguet's Consulting S
Dabral Nutrition Habitat S
Dashiell Stop S M L  
Dragomanov Hydroponics Farm S
   Grego Survey - - - -
Henry's Conservatory S
Kuhn Agricultural Collection S
Lafitte Chemical Site L
Linsley's Biochemicals S
Lukashenko Synthetics Moulding S
Malyarenko Biological Laboratory S L
Moller Botanical Plantation S L
Neumann Genetics Exploration S
Nwachukwu Nutritional S
Okoro Analysis Site S L
Okpara Botanical Base S L
Rayne Biochemical S
Sarpong Genetics Forum S L
Sasaki Horticultural Farm S L
Sepulveda Chemical Facility S
Shi Botanical Farm S
Stiles Base S M  
Suzuki Biochemical S
Tikwa Cultivation Site S L
Watanabe Plantations S
Zivai's Laboratory S


23.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amaike's Workshop S
Antonaci Chemical Holdings S
Apianus Outpost S M  
Bak Mineralogic Enterprise L
Barbeau Extraction Base S L
Barreau Chemical Productions S
Beaufort Synthetics Moulding M
Bennett Mining Complex S L
Bhardwaj Excavation Enterprise S
Bhasin Laboratory S
Blayney Prospecting Exchange S
Botman's Medicines S L
   Britnev Escape - - - -
Bruno Analytics Forum S L
Buckley Genetics Site S L
Cabrera Analysis Institution S
Coddington Mines S M  
Cox Manufacturing Forge S
Dominguez Biological Site S
Eke Depot S
Fay Dredging Complex S
Fay Mining Exploration S
Figueroa Mining Territory M
Horwood Mineralogic Claim L
Inoue Prospecting Site S
Jayashankar Mining Installation S
Karpenko Industrial Enterprise L
Laird Arsenal S M L  
Lane Chemical Site M
Long Drilling Territory S
Maiga Engineering Hub S
Modi Biological Consulting S
Murata's Foundry M
Navarro Synthetics Foundry L
Nwachukwu Excavation Exchange S
Olatunji Engineering Site L
   Pavlou Refinery - - - -
Reightler Survey S M L  
Rivas Analytics Complex S
Rowe Analysis Complex S
Sakurai Drilling Station S
Sato Excavation Complex L
Saunders Biological Lab S L
Shin Excavation Enterprise L
Singh Mining Enterprise M
Skovoroda Territories S L
Slusar Mining Exchange S L
Takeuchi Biochemical Complex S
Tasman Camp S M L  
Turay Metallurgic Exploration S
Verquerre Analysis Institution S
Wagner Mines S
Walter Industrial Exchange L
Wilson Industrial Holdings L
Yamamoto Industrial Creations L

HIP 24986

24.38 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Fay's Deposit L
Flagg Relay S M  
Ganguly Research Laboratory S
Ranganathan Excavation Prospect S L
Schulz Engineering Depot L
Taylor Drilling Rigs S L
Uduike Metallurgic Claim


25.06 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bailey Drilling Facility S L
Barthwal Prospecting Installation S
Bedi Astrophysics Forum S L
   Betancourt Settlement - - - -
Buhle Metallurgic Complex S
Caraiman Biological Expedition S
Christensson Dredging Exchange M
Covington Port S M  
Etienam Botanical Garden S
Islam Orbital S M  
Ito Research Forum S
Jiang Research Lab S
Lehmann Excavation Platform S
Lisunov Astrophysics Lab S
Marchal Mineralogic Installation S L
Newland Metallurgic Platform S
   Person Settlement - - - -
   Pippin Beacon - - - -
Priest Nutrition Facility S L
Pyeon Nutrition Habitat S L
Rojas's Exploration S
Scotti Landing S M L  
Seol's Find S
Smith's Territory S L
Ueno Extraction Prospect S
Vasquez Excavation Enterprise S
Vergara Mining Exchange L
Wu Dredging Base S L


25.53 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aku's Obligation S L
Anyadike Military Complex S M
Bankole Agricultural Biome S
Baruti Biochemical Enterprise S L
Beliaev Survey S M L  
Biobaku Industrial Hub L
   Bok Point - - - -
Carrasco Agricultural Estate S L
Cataldo Horticultural S
Clark Munitions Encampment S L
Constancia Hydroponics Range S
Courbet Research Installation S L
Dai Cultivation Market S
Dashkevych Defence Base M
   Dassault Base - - - -
Dias Biological Facility S
Fiorentino's Fortification M
Firpo Hydroponics Hub S
Friedrich Defence Outpost S L
Fry Astrophysics Enterprise S
Goswami Horticultural Holdings S L
Gutierrez Horticultural Facility S
   Hedin Prospect - - - -
Hughes Research Assembly S L
Ihejirika Agricultural Facility S
Ilsley's Service S
Inoue Analysis Institution S L
Kaiser Biological Consulting S
Kanu Cultivation Centre S
Lemaire Botanical Holding S
Maddex's Workshop M
Mehta Botanical Hub S L
Miyazaki Agricultural Facility S
Mnogogrishny Jurisdiction S
Morales Formulations S
Neumann Command Point S M
Oksamit Depot L
   Peral Landing - - - -
Quandt Munitions Encampment S L
Rawlinson Cultivations S
Rowe Biochemical Centre S L
Scholtz Hydroponics Enterprise S
Schulz Industrial M
Schuster Terminal S M L  
Staff Command Installation M
Stammers Armament S M
Ukah Hydroponics Estate S
Werner Military Hub M
Zuniga Biological Complex S


26.63 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ahmed Keep S M L  
Albrecht Genetics S
Bardin Analytics Enterprise S
Bernard Genetics Laboratory S
Caraiman Research Forum S
Casari Medical S L
Dabral Astrophysics Assembly S
   Forstchen Survey - - - -
Geeson's Forge M
Gunther Manufacturing Site L
Gunther's Chemicals L
Hollander Dock S M  
Kikelomo Research Facility S
Nguesso Industrial Plant S L
Okoye Biological Facility S L
Piramal Laboratory S
Qiao Biochemical S
Yim Industries S


26.68 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bartolomeu de Gusmao Vision S M L  
Becker Horticultural Garden S
Bellamy Horticultural Garden S
Bugby Botanical Estate S L
Bustamante Botanical Plantation S L
Christensson's Mineralogical S L
Davis Engineering Base M
Gunter Orbital S M  
Howe Landing S M  
Lavigne Extraction Station S L
   Lewitt Landing - - - -
Olatunji's Vista S L
Patel Horticultural Market S
Rocha Industrial Complex L
   Sylvester's Folly - - - -
Tayler Penal colony  
   Vinge Camp - - - -
Xing Agricultural Facility S L


27.06 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Boumal Excavation Prospect S
Campos Mining Site S
Hardy Metallurgic Station L
Hou Dredging Station S L
Koh Mining Exchange S L
Lai Dredging Platform S L
Macedo Installation S M L  
   Marley's Inheritance - - - -
Melo Prospecting Exchange S
Nischan Mineralogic Claim S L
Nnamani Excavation Platform S L
Redko Mineralogic Exploration M
van de Sande Bakhuyzen Mine S M  
Wheelock's Folly S M L  


27.29 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adams Works S M  
Barbier's Pharmaceuticals S
Bennett Minerology M
Boumal Genetics Forum S L
Chorny Laboratory S L
Dino Institution S
Ferreira Synthetics Installation L
Foglio Camp S M  
Geum Research Lab S
Giuliani Analysis Facility S
Greco Astrophysics Expedition S
Hayashi Biochemical Laboratory S
Howarth Genetics Exploration S
Howlett Genetics Exploration S
Ishikawa Research Centre S L
Ivaschenko's Mineralogical M
Jia Biochemical Facility S L
Korolenko Prospecting Platform S
Laffey Biological Assembly S
Li Nutrition Exchange S L
Lim Mineralogic Hub M
Lima Mineralogic Site S L
Maji Genetics Institution S
Makuto Nutrition Holdings S L
Mogyla Analytics Institution S
   Moskowitz Laboratory - - - -
Ndiaye Biological Laboratory S
Ngidi Excavation Facility S
Nweke Mineralogic Facility S
Opeyemi Drilling Platform M
Orellana Mining Site L
Oshpak Synthetics Moulding M
Paredes Prospecting Enterprise S L
Perez Research Institution S
Richardson Botanical Market S L
Rivero Laboratory S
Rodgers Research Lab S L
Rutten Biochemical Institution S
Saito Drilling Hub M
Skovoroda Prospecting S L
Villalba Metallurgic Complex M
Wada Mines M
Wei Biological Assembly S L
Wei's Exploration S
Whittaker Territories S
Wright Astrophysics Site S
Xiang Drilling Base L
Yamashita Biochemical Institution S
Zhadan Laboratory S L


28.05 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aku Biological S
   Florine Survey - - - -
Goldreich Relay S M L  
Jimenez Astrophysics Expedition S
Kang Industrial Facility L
Marth Stop S M  
Moreno Analysis Institution S
Oyinlola Biochemical S
Pavlenko Chemical Workshop S
Tkachenko Research Lab S
Tutunnyk Chemical S
Vergara's Consulting S
   Wolszczan Terminal - - - -