HIP 24986

Name SML Mug Gin
Fay's Deposit L
Flagg Relay S M  
Ganguly Research Laboratory S
Ranganathan Excavation Prospect S L
Schulz Engineering Depot L
Taylor Drilling Rigs S L
Uduike Metallurgic Claim

Closest systems to HIP 24986

HIP 25879

5.67 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Apianus Port S M  
Campos Astrophysics Site S L
Delporte Settlement S M  
Wylie Prospect S M L  


11.66 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amis Silo S M L  
Chancellor Botanical Enterprise S L
Dukuly Cultivation Collection S L
Kobyliansky Dredging Base M
Langley Vision S M  
Quick Mine S M L  
Tanaka Botanical Market S L

HIP 25759

14.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarie Mining Platform S L
Brazier Metallurgic Enterprise S L
Brinkmann Drilling Facility L
Jefferies Station S M  
Jones Vision S M L  
Kirby Station S M  
Maslo Minerology S L
McDarsh Drilling Enterprise L
Olanrewaju Prospecting Rigs S L
Sagar Mineralogic Exploration L
Welleweerd Extraction Rigs L


14.74 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aubert Agricultural S
Banyard Excavation Platform S
Burke Mineralogic Claim L
Cartier Mining Hub S
Clough's Inheritance S M L  
Drignat Extraction Site M
Dubey Dredging Facility S
Friedrich Peters Base S M L  
Galle's Claim S M  
Kabbah Cultivation Site S
   Krylov Landing - - - -
Kyrylo Mining Installation S L
Laghari Mining Enterprise S L
Lima Mining Facility S L
Matsui Mineralogic Base S L
Moreau Dredging Complex S L
   Nijland Vision - - - -
Onishi Cultivation Site S L
Poirier Agricultural Centre S
Rymill Nutrition Habitat S
Schuster Mineralogic Exploration S
Vasylyshin Excavation Exchange S L
Wallis Mining Exchange S L


15.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Albrecht Analytics Enterprise S
   Beatty Depot - - - -
Chidozie's Industrial S L
Crozier Construction S
Dubois Synthetics Plant L
Faconti Mineralogic Station S
   Fast Beacon - - - -
Greene Terminal S M L  
Henry Synthetics Enterprise L
Karpenko Synthetics Enterprise L
Kyrylo Extraction Platform S L
Lomonosov Relay S M L  
Lyashenko Chemical Productions M
Modi Industrial Complex S
Nxasana Industrial Forge S
Pavluk Manufacturing Site L
Quinn Extraction Hub S L
Rocha Nutrition Base S L
Rossi Extraction Rigs S L
Villalba Synthetics Hub M
   Vyssotsky Depot - - - -
Wallace Laboratory S M L  
   Yourkevitch Penal colony - - - -

HIP 26144

21.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alaneme Nutrition Biosphere S L
Garcia Mining Exchange S L
Matsuda Genetics S L
Muhammad Ibn Battuta Base S M L  
Mukai Point S M  
Patel Nutrition Farm S L
Poirier Nutrition Facility S
Poulin Cultivation Nursery S L
Poulin Mining Enterprise M
Serduk Agricultural Holdings S L
Siakam's Farm S L
Syrotuk Horticultural Centre S
Yerka Mine S M  
Zadzisai Cultivation Range S L

Guana Bhun

22.32 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anotidaishe Industries M
Hertzsprung Mine S M  
Kolsuk Prospecting Platform L
Lima Depot M
Malchiodi Installation S M L  
Miller Survey S M  
Penrose Reach S M L  
Schaeffer's Find M


22.89 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bankole Prospecting Platform S
Brorsen Prospect S M  
Bruni Excavation Platform S L
Chauhan Metallurgic Hub S
Chernenko Chemical Foundry L
Choo Excavation Platform
Drzewiecki Installation S M L  
Fernandez Nutrition Collection S
Flindt Construction L
Ford Colony S M L  
Gomez Synthetics Assembly L
Ji Astrophysics Site S L
Kashyap Chemical Works S
Klein Extraction Base S
Kobyliansky Astrophysics Site S
Krause Dredging Territory M
Murata Drilling Territory L
Pereira's Sanctuary S L
Puche's Castings L
Skov Hydroponics Biosphere S L
Vavrova Landing S M  
Vuia Survey S M L  
Wolff's Farm S L


24.38 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aitken Mines S M  
Amano Installation S M L  
Clark Exchange S M L  
Schomburg Mines S M  
Szymanski and Udalski Hub S M L  
Tremethick Mineralogic Enterprise S
Verquerre Drilling Installation S L

HIP 22150

25.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Altuna's Progress - - - -
Anotidaishe Prospecting Complex L
Baldwin Keep S M L  
Bojti Prospecting Installation L
Crossland Agricultural Collection S L
Dhar Mining Site S
Miyazaki Drilling Installation S L
Molina's Reserve M
Okuni Beacon S M  
Ozarkevich Metallurgic Base S L
Simon Horticultural Habitat S L
Vincent Mines M
Webb Beacon S M  
Worster Prospecting Complex S


26.34 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aku's Obligation S L
Anyadike Military Complex S M
Bankole Agricultural Biome S
Baruti Biochemical Enterprise S L
Beliaev Survey S M L  
Biobaku Industrial Hub L
   Bok Point - - - -
Carrasco Agricultural Estate S L
Cataldo Horticultural S
Clark Munitions Encampment S L
Constancia Hydroponics Range S
Courbet Research Installation S L
Dai Cultivation Market S
Dashkevych Defence Base M
   Dassault Base - - - -
Dias Biological Facility S
Fiorentino's Fortification M
Firpo Hydroponics Hub S
Friedrich Defence Outpost S L
Fry Astrophysics Enterprise S
Goswami Horticultural Holdings S L
Gutierrez Horticultural Facility S
   Hedin Prospect - - - -
Hughes Research Assembly S L
Ihejirika Agricultural Facility S
Ilsley's Service S
Inoue Analysis Institution S L
Kaiser Biological Consulting S
Kanu Cultivation Centre S
Lemaire Botanical Holding S
Maddex's Workshop M
Mehta Botanical Hub S L
Miyazaki Agricultural Facility S
Mnogogrishny Jurisdiction S
Morales Formulations S
Neumann Command Point S M
Oksamit Depot L
   Peral Landing - - - -
Quandt Munitions Encampment S L
Rawlinson Cultivations S
Rowe Biochemical Centre S L
Scholtz Hydroponics Enterprise S
Schulz Industrial M
Schuster Terminal S M L  
Staff Command Installation M
Stammers Armament S M
Ukah Hydroponics Estate S
Werner Military Hub M
Zuniga Biological Complex S


28.47 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bhardwaj Nutrition Habitat S L
Cook Chemical Foundry S L
d'Arrest Landing S M  
Desikan Hydroponics Habitat S
   Dukaj's Inheritance - - - -
Fahnbulleh Forge L
   Fairbairn Base - - - -
Hao Engineering Silo L
Hardy's Reserve M
Hickey's Productions L
Hunter Cultivation Holding S
Iglesias Mining Facility L
Kendrick Depot S M L  
Kisekka Cultivation Estate S L
Kolev Manufacturing Installation S
Kranz Dock S M  
Lafitte's Syntheticals S
Lima Industries S
Nadiradze Horizons S M L  
Nenge Chemical Foundry S
   Park Stop - - - -
   Phillifent's Inheritance - - - -
   Powers Laboratory - - - -
Rahman's Engineering S
Rudenko Engineering Silo L
Scholz Research Lab S
Seidel's Minerals S
Tanner Industrial Complex L
Tapia Drilling Exploration S L
Tirjak Mineralogic Reserve S
Tousey Holdings S M L  
Ukah Synthetics Foundry L
Vinet Chemical Assembly L
Wilder Depot S M L  
Yoon Metallurgic Claim L

HIP 20869

29.17 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Asami Port S M L  
Barrera Arsenal S L
Chang Military Facility S M
Corner Genetics Institution S L
Doroshenko Pharmacology S L
Fujii Chemical Assembly L
Grover Biological Facility S
Guerrero's Engineering L
Hammond Astrophysics Expedition S
Hyeon Military Installation M
Jung Landing S M  
Kapadia Dredging Site M
Mancini Metallurgic Exchange S
Molina Industrial Workshop S
Moller Chemical Complex L
Moulin Arms Encampment S L
Nischan Astrophysics Assembly S
Panasenko Engineering Forge S
Poirier's Manufacturings L
Polubotok Industrial Site L
Riccioli Mines S M  
Sangweni Manufacturing Forge L
Umburter Industrial Forge L
Vogel Landing M

Tai Sheshy

29.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Hammel Ring S M  
Sheremetevsky Dock S M L  
Weill Platform S M  


29.86 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Boumal Excavation Prospect S
Campos Mining Site S
Hardy Metallurgic Station L
Hou Dredging Station S L
Koh Mining Exchange S L
Lai Dredging Platform S L
Macedo Installation S M L  
   Marley's Inheritance - - - -
Melo Prospecting Exchange S
Nischan Mineralogic Claim S L
Nnamani Excavation Platform S L
Redko Mineralogic Exploration M
van de Sande Bakhuyzen Mine S M  
Wheelock's Folly S M L