
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Forge L
Alasa Hold S M
Aubert Synthetics Assembly M
Bichard Hospitality Zone M
Campos Stop S L
Cataldo Arms Stockade S L
Chukwunyelu Botanical Plantation S L
Crossland Chemical L
Datla Depot
   Diaw Engineering Silo - - - -
Fabbri Munitions Encampment S M
Falade Resort M
Ferraro Nutrition Hub S
Goswami Synthetics Facility M
Han Botanical Complex S L
Ibanez Engineering Depot M
Knapper Agricultural Complex S L
   Kozak Synthetics Complex - - - -
Lafitte's Nursery S
Low Bastion S M L  
Madan Fortress S L
Martins Agricultural Holding S
Miura Cultivation Estate S L
Nishimura Cultivation Range S
Ockels Terminal S M L  
Ota Arms Stockade S L
Parekh Manufacturing Facility M
Peirce Penal colony S M L  
Piazza's Folly S L
Rawlinson Encampment S M
Rousseau's Creations M
Rudenko Chemical L
Syrotuk Chemical Hub L
Temitope Military Enterprise M
Warren Chemical Works M
Warren Synthetics Installation S
Winter Military Encampment S L
Yoshida Forge L
Zoungrana Manufacturing Silo M

Closest systems to Kamuy


4.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Armstrong Port S M  
Biobaku's Castings L
Cox Industrial Facility L
Drexler Hub S M  
Garnier Military Fortification S L
Jun's Hold S L
Kohler Command Facility S L
Lasswitz Hub S M L  
Lemaire Military Outpost S L
Ngobi's Armoury S L
Paez Hub S M L  
Piper Hub S M L  
Ruiz Manufacturing L
Sar Fort M
Vasquez Military Barracks S M


6.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anosike Biological Site S L
Blayney Biological Installation S
Fischer Industrial Site L
Garrido's Drilling S L
Goh Laboratory S
Hahm Deposits M
Konashevych's Consulting S L
Mao Synthetics Base L
Mellors Institution S L
Orakpo Laboratory S L
Oshpak Astrophysics Institution S L
Osman Pharmacology S
Sakai Biochemical Lab S L
Schmid Chemical S L
Wilkins Biochemical Enterprise S L
Wright Vision S M  
Yamamoto Extraction Prospect S L

Nu-2 Lupi

9.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Benoit Biochemical Installation S
Bogacki Manufacturing Complex S
Choi Industrial Site S
Chopra's Manufacturings L
Dogo Synthetics Plant M
Gauss City S M  
McIntyre Barracks S M L  
Pudwill Gorie Holdings S M  
Skovoroda Chemical Assembly L
Vega Industrial Facility S
West Asylum S M L  

LP 917-1

9.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Acharya Landing S M L  
Altamura's Manufacturings L
Apte Botanical Hub S L
Beausoleil Manufacturing Complex L
Daimler Station S M L  
Ferguson Ring S M  
Jeon Synthetics Hub M
Kagan Enterprise S M L  
Montes Chemical Installation L
Morgan Barracks S M L  
Thirsk Port S M  
Zyma Spa S L


10.03 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amaike Chemical Base M
Beausoleil Synthetics Moulding L
Bell Colony S M  
Braun's Cheer S L
Flewitt Industries L
Malocello Point S M L  
Moreno's Hold M
Olanrewaju Munitions Outpost S M
Poulin Astrophysics Expedition S
Roberts's Workshop L
Shriver Settlement S M  


10.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alves Biochemical Exploration S L
Amos's Laboratory S
Antonelli Barracks S M L  
Baio Biochemical Consulting S
Chakladar Research Facility S
Clark Terminal S M  
Dai Industrial Site L
Gil Industrial Foundry L
Ishida's Shelter S L
Kyrylo Industrial Workshop S
Lie Silo S M L  
Lyashenko Analysis Laboratory S L
Marinov Military Fortification S L
Meade Terminal S M  
Otueome Control S L
Priest Metallurgic Territory S L
Puche Hydroponics Centre S L
Rutten Military Barracks M
Schaeffer's Medicines S L
Schmidt's Hostel
Tavernier Manufacturing Enterprise L
Tutunnyk Industrial Works L
Vela Dock S M L  
Yakimchuk Synthetics Moulding L


14.22 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abell Point S M L  
Aoki's Club M
Bahuguna Nutrition Farm S
Baker Hydroponics Habitat S L
Bitterlin's Anchor S L
Croft Hydroponics Holding S L
Crowther Chemical Complex L
Dabral Tourist Lodge S L
Dovbush's Workshop S
Faircliff Chemical Installation M
Fuchs Port S M L  
Gokhale Engineering Facility L
Gutsalo Passage S L
Hennepin Station S M  
Hoffmann's Garden S L
Huntley Synthetics Foundry L
Inoue Chemical Assembly L
Kessel Hub S M  
Kikelomo Industrial Installation L
Kosach's Heights S L
Krisjanis Manufacturing Silo L
Lanier Station S M L  
Lobbo Industrial Hub S
Lowry City S M  
Madida Botanical Range S
Malik Tourism Site M
Maruyama Chemical L
Meyrink Station S M  
Murakami Manufacturing Enterprise L
Olivares Inn S L
Olivares's Forge L
Ovcharenko's Chemicals L
Pardue Industrial Moulding S
Pomeroy Industrial Depot L
Potrykus City S M L  
Potter Synthetics Holdings S
Prince Depot L
Quiroga's Constructions L
Rawlinson's Constructions L
Rodrigues Industrial Forge S L
Schilling Terminal S M L  
Schmidt Mine S M L  
Shepherd's Forever S L
Sleator Port S M L  
Valdes Industrial Site M
Williams Prospect S M L  
Womack Hub S M  
Xiao Manufacturing Hub L
Yamada Engineering Installation L
Yu Market S M L  


14.79 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Outpost M
Anderson Analysis Laboratory S L
Bellamy Biochemical Exploration S
Correa Munitions Outpost S L
Diaw Chemical Works S
Estrada Munitions Encampment
Fernandes's Analytics S
Fournier's Honour S L
Janes Camp S M L  
Jones Command Installation
Lee Gateway S M  
Lima Military Bastion S L
   Linaweaver Bastion - - - -
McMullen Ring S M L  
Orellana Military Enterprise M
Pettitt Industrial Productions S L
Rawlinson Command Site
Resnik Base S M L  
Rocha Nutrition Centre S L
   Rose Installation - - - -
Saez Command Base S L
Schmidt Genetics Exploration
Scholtz Engineering Hub S
Tanner Forge
The Printworks S M L  
Tkachenko Keep S L

LP 862-184

15.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bassett Chemical Hub L
Braines Analysis Centre S L
Deshmukh's Industrial L
Kulish Cultivation Range S L
Lundwall Silo S M L  
Mayr Hangar S M  
Mori Manufacturing Workshop L
Noel's Peace S L
Orlay's Workshop L
Sakurai Synthetics Depot L
Schulz Agricultural Site S L
Silva Hospitality Zone S L
Villalba Encampment S L
Winne Plant S M  
Zelazny Refinery S M L  


16.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alten Holdings S M L  
Apte Entertainment Lodge
Araujo Extraction Complex L
Baldock Synthetics Holdings L
Bergmann Industrial Plant L
Biddiscombe Botanics
Burn Cultivation Complex S L
Chapman Industrial Exchange
Charman Engineering Installation L
Choo Manufacturing Silo S
Chung's Minerals S L
Conde Synthetics Complex
Corner Engineering Site L
Crouch Hub S M  
Filipchenko Orbital S M  
Garneau Port S M L  
Hao Chemical S
Hughes Dredging Site L
Iyer Hydroponics Centre S L
   Jendrassik Plant +++ - - - -
Kosach Dock S L
   Lavoisier Base + - - - -
Liang Extraction Site
Lima Tourism Lodge S L
Mahajan Military Expedition M
Mallett Retreat M
Nkoana Obligation S L
Nwadike Tourist Resort
Owen Mining Exploration S L
Owusu Visitor Zone S L
Papacosta Synthetics Plant S
Pasternak Manufacturing Installation M
Purandare Mining Hub S
Rybalka Hydroponics Base S L
Schmid Cultivation Exchange
Seok Manufacturing Site L
Winstone Bay
Xing Drilling Exchange M
Yuschenko Industrial Silo L

LP 804-27

16.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anosike Hydroponics S L
Anyadike Obligation S L
Cogswell Hub S M L  
Dewsnap Armament S L
Franko Industrial Silo L
Gupta Defence Barracks S L
Ivaschenko's Crest S L
Jun's Constructions
Lupoff Vista S M L  
Pena Dock S L
Poleshchuk Landing S M  
Qi Chemical Depot M
Reddy Chemical Installation L
Tyurin Terminal S M  
Watanabe's Command S L
Wrangell Terminal S M L  


17.23 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Cartwright City S M  
Chaly Munitions Enterprise S L
Dawkes's Fortress S L
Deng Astrophysics Installation S
Dhillon Military Expedition S M
Fra's Arsenal
Gallo Industrial Creations S
Griffiths Research Expedition S L
Howard City S M L  
Ishikawa Industrial Productions L
Kondakova Port S M  
Kong's Syntheticals S
Maiga Pharmacology S
   Miklouho-Maclay Barracks - - - -
Ngobi Research Institution S L
Noel Military Outpost S L
Otero Defence Encampment S L
Quantock Synthetics Depot L
Rymar Engineering Hub S L
Shore Synthetics Silo L
Vitale Outpost S L
Woods Astrophysics Site S L
Young's Junction S L


17.31 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bak Industrial Creations S L
Birmingham Freeport S M  
Hiraga Arsenal S M L  
Keyes Refinery S M  
Mazumder Engineering L
Painter Synthetics Foundry L
Poncelet Survey S M L  


17.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abraham's Garrison M
Arai Arms Hub S M
Ariss Military Armoury M
Avicenna Hub S M L  
Babu Military Base M
Bakshi Defence Complex S L
Barbeau Chemical Productions L
Barone Chemical Base S
Beaumont Defence Barracks S L
Beck's Outpost S M
Berhe Manufacturing Exchange S L
Biggs Tourist Site S L
Boulaid Chemical Base L
Bruni Bastion S M
Brunt Industrial Works S
Carstensz Laboratory S M L  
Chakladar's Landing M
Choo Military Fortification M
Citrolo Resolve S L
Cohen Chemical Plant S
Cukkemane House S L
Deloney Military Fortification S M
Desai Military Armoury M
Desikan Arms Stockade S M
Desjardins Camp S L
Dukuly Command Facility S L
Elaschuk's Manufacturings S
Eyharts Silo S M L  
Fay Command Facility M
Fiorentino Munitions Complex S M
Fleming City S M  
Florianz Industrial Site S
Gairola Service M
Gonzalez's Hold S L
Gupta's Quest S L
Hah Honour M
Halil Manufacturing Facility M
Hatwal Synthetics Complex S
Hawkins Industrial Assembly M
Herraez's Keep M
Holthausen's Fort S M
Horsman Military Site S M
Ivanychuk Military Encampment S L
Jaitly Engineering L
Keita Defence Hub S L
Laflamme Manufacturing Plant L
Lobbo Stockade M
Loeffler Military Site S L
Mahama Command S L
Mahto Defence Installation S L
Malins Manufacturing Facility L
Marinov Engineering Site S
Mbarga's Jurisdiction S L
McGuire Military Expedition S L
Mendez Tourism Zone S L
Ndiaye Defence Hub S M
Newland Agricultural Nursery S L
Okamoto's Jurisdiction M
Okusanya's Workshop M
Oladele's Point S L
Onishi Watch M
Ono's Watch S L
Onyilogwu Military Garrison M
Orji Command Complex S L
Oyinlola Engineering Hub M
Parmitano Dock S M  
Patel Cultivation Site S L
Pianzola Industrial Hub S
Pidkova Arms Garrison M
Poblete Chemical Workshop L
Ptaszynski Command Complex S M
Qiao Military Stockade S M
Ricci Military Barracks S L
Richardson's Resort S L
Rivas Defence Enterprise M
Rivera Encampment M
Romero Industrial Creations L
Rybalka Manufacturing Depot L
Salinas Manufacturing Exchange L
Savchuk's Dock S L
Scott Chemical Hub L
Serduk Bastion S L
Shao Engineering Enterprise L
Skovoroda Military Enterprise S M
Soulier's Creations S
Taschieri Outpost S L
Tirjak's Garrison S L
Tsarenko Hold S M
Varma's Camp S M
Vinet Engineering Enterprise L
Vinet Military Barracks S M
Walker Command Outpost M
Zhilenko Armament M


18.14 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bailey Construction
Bernoulli Penal colony S M L  
Boodt Dock S M L  
Choi's Foundry
Fossum Colony S M  
Gairola Industrial Hub
Horwood Munitions Outpost S L
Mancini Analytics Institution S L
Matheson Relay S M L  
Olivares Genetics Facility
Toure Command Site S L
Valentino Industrial Workshop
Vaucanson Platform S M  
West Chemical Foundry L
Winkler Munitions Stockade S M
Yanez Industrial Works L