
Name SML Mug Gin
Abraham's Garrison M
Arai Arms Hub S M
Ariss Military Armoury M
Avicenna Hub S M L  
Babu Military Base M
Bakshi Defence Complex S L
Barbeau Chemical Productions L
Barone Chemical Base S
Beaumont Defence Barracks S L
Beck's Outpost S M
Berhe Manufacturing Exchange S L
Biggs Tourist Site S L
Boulaid Chemical Base L
Bruni Bastion S M
Brunt Industrial Works S
Carstensz Laboratory S M L  
Chakladar's Landing M
Choo Military Fortification M
Citrolo Resolve S L
Cohen Chemical Plant S
Cukkemane House S L
Deloney Military Fortification S M
Desai Military Armoury M
Desikan Arms Stockade S M
Desjardins Camp S L
Dukuly Command Facility S L
Elaschuk's Manufacturings S
Eyharts Silo S M L  
Fay Command Facility M
Fiorentino Munitions Complex S M
Fleming City S M  
Florianz Industrial Site S
Gairola Service M
Gonzalez's Hold S L
Gupta's Quest S L
Hah Honour M
Halil Manufacturing Facility M
Hatwal Synthetics Complex S
Hawkins Industrial Assembly M
Herraez's Keep M
Holthausen's Fort S M
Horsman Military Site S M
Ivanychuk Military Encampment S L
Jaitly Engineering L
Keita Defence Hub S L
Laflamme Manufacturing Plant L
Lobbo Stockade M
Loeffler Military Site S L
Mahama Command S L
Mahto Defence Installation S L
Malins Manufacturing Facility L
Marinov Engineering Site S
Mbarga's Jurisdiction S L
McGuire Military Expedition S L
Mendez Tourism Zone S L
Ndiaye Defence Hub S M
Newland Agricultural Nursery S L
Okamoto's Jurisdiction M
Okusanya's Workshop M
Oladele's Point S L
Onishi Watch M
Ono's Watch S L
Onyilogwu Military Garrison M
Orji Command Complex S L
Oyinlola Engineering Hub M
Parmitano Dock S M  
Patel Cultivation Site S L
Pianzola Industrial Hub S
Pidkova Arms Garrison M
Poblete Chemical Workshop L
Ptaszynski Command Complex S M
Qiao Military Stockade S M
Ricci Military Barracks S L
Richardson's Resort S L
Rivas Defence Enterprise M
Rivera Encampment M
Romero Industrial Creations L
Rybalka Manufacturing Depot L
Salinas Manufacturing Exchange L
Savchuk's Dock S L
Scott Chemical Hub L
Serduk Bastion S L
Shao Engineering Enterprise L
Skovoroda Military Enterprise S M
Soulier's Creations S
Taschieri Outpost S L
Tirjak's Garrison S L
Tsarenko Hold S M
Varma's Camp S M
Vinet Engineering Enterprise L
Vinet Military Barracks S M
Walker Command Outpost M
Zhilenko Armament M

Closest systems to Ao

LHS 378

10.37 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akinyemi Tourist Site S L
Altadonna Industrial Site S
Anotidaishe's Terminus S L
Araujo's Consulting S
Barnett Resolve S L
Bengrina Boarding Hostel M
Bogacki Analytics Site S L
Brinkmann Agricultural Range S
Bustos Visitor Hostel M
Caceres's Hostel S L
Cataldo Agricultural Enterprise S L
Clifford Biochemical Complex S L
Crellin Nutrition Base S
Datta Hydroponics Base S
Diaw's Tranquility S L
Doctorow Survey S M L  
Ericsson Beacon S M  
Estrada Lodges M
Fernandez Agricultural Site S
Fujii's Lot S L
Gill Analytics Centre S
Gowers Hospitality District S L
Heo's Voyage S L
Hernandez Link S L
Ikeda's Installation L
Ishikawa Horticultural Biosphere S L
Keller Hospitality District S L
Koh Botanical Enterprise S
Kolev Biochemical Enterprise S L
Kotsubinsky's Slumber S L
Lagarde Engineering Forge L
Lagos Biological Laboratory S L
Lim Research Forum S L
Lorenzo Synthetics Depot L
Lukashenko Hydroponics Enterprise S L
Margrave Analytics Site S L
Martins Military Installation S
Maruyama Industrial Complex S L
McCoy Platform S M  
Meghani Hospitality District S L
Min Biological Laboratory S L
Miyazaki Cultivation Garden S
Moller Heights S L
Montes Research Forum S L
Mowatt House S L
Mushket Medical S L
Oksamit Cultivation Facility S L
Omenma's Locus S L
Onyeneme Chemical Exchange S
Oyawale Tourism Lodge M
Ponomarenko Botanical Base S L
Ryabokin Analysis Forum S L
Sano Forge S L
Schunmann Biochemical Enterprise S
Seidel Cultivation Hub S
Sherlock Military Barracks S M
Sherlock's Biological S L
Song Biological Site S L
   Steiner Prospect - - - -
Tamura Tourist Haven S L
Techno Analysis Laboratory S
Tkachenko Analytics Lab S
Tuan Survey S M L  
Ukah Cultivation Biosphere S
Zambo Astrophysics Enterprise S
Zhadan's Crest S L

LHS 3022

11.88 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Rothfuss Freeport S M  

LTT 5419

13.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Argento Analytics Complex
Berezuk Analytics Site S L
Dezhurov Silo S M L  
Euclid Installation S M  
Fernandes Chemical Silo L
Gluschenko Synthetics Exchange S
Greco Synthetics Depot L
Holland Analytics Facility
Lee Astrophysics Installation
Libby Camp S M  
Marchand Engineering Foundry
Ngidi Chemical Silo L
Romano Engineering Site


13.37 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alten Holdings S M L  
Apte Entertainment Lodge
Araujo Extraction Complex L
Baldock Synthetics Holdings L
Bergmann Industrial Plant L
Biddiscombe Botanics
Burn Cultivation Complex S L
Chapman Industrial Exchange
Charman Engineering Installation L
Choo Manufacturing Silo S
Chung's Minerals S L
Conde Synthetics Complex
Corner Engineering Site L
Crouch Hub S M  
Filipchenko Orbital S M  
Garneau Port S M L  
Hao Chemical S
Hughes Dredging Site L
Iyer Hydroponics Centre S L
   Jendrassik Plant +++ - - - -
Kosach Dock S L
   Lavoisier Base + - - - -
Liang Extraction Site
Lima Tourism Lodge S L
Mahajan Military Expedition M
Mallett Retreat M
Nkoana Obligation S L
Nwadike Tourist Resort
Owen Mining Exploration S L
Owusu Visitor Zone S L
Papacosta Synthetics Plant S
Pasternak Manufacturing Installation M
Purandare Mining Hub S
Rybalka Hydroponics Base S L
Schmid Cultivation Exchange
Seok Manufacturing Site L
Winstone Bay
Xing Drilling Exchange M
Yuschenko Industrial Silo L

LHS 392

15.33 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bengrina's Globe
Binder Orbital S M  
Biswas Research Centre S
Carver Orbital S M  
Chukwunyelu Astrophysics Site S L
Degefa Bay
Henry's Folly
Hlatshwayo Chemical Plant S L
Knapper Manufacturing Facility
Lin's Chase S L
Makuto Industrial Forge
Pylypenko Chemical Site M
Reynolds Plant S M L  
Rodrigues Chemical Facility


15.39 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Outpost M
Anderson Analysis Laboratory S L
Bellamy Biochemical Exploration S
Correa Munitions Outpost S L
Diaw Chemical Works S
Estrada Munitions Encampment
Fernandes's Analytics S
Fournier's Honour S L
Janes Camp S M L  
Jones Command Installation
Lee Gateway S M  
Lima Military Bastion S L
   Linaweaver Bastion - - - -
McMullen Ring S M L  
Orellana Military Enterprise M
Pettitt Industrial Productions S L
Rawlinson Command Site
Resnik Base S M L  
Rocha Nutrition Centre S L
   Rose Installation - - - -
Saez Command Base S L
Schmidt Genetics Exploration
Scholtz Engineering Hub S
Tanner Forge
The Printworks S M L  
Tkachenko Keep S L


15.55 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Antonaci Genetics Enterprise S
Bardeen Terminal S M  
Caraiman Manufacturing Workshop L
Carr Silo S M L  
Duan Agricultural Site S L
Horsman Cultivation Estate S L
Ibaka Genetics Forum S L
Izdryk Analysis Lab S
Jones Nutritional S L
Kotsuba Research Institution S L
   Magnus Oasis - - - -
Miyazaki Engineering Enterprise L
Myeni Nutrition Holdings S L
Sahaidachny Hydroponics Base S L
Sankoh Genetics Institution S L
Vynnychenko Manufacturing Site S
Wilkinson Hydroponics S L

BD-10 4011

15.69 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amato Industrial Forge L
Clarke Command Installation S L
Dawkes Prospecting Hub S
Faconti's Arsenal S
Helmholtz Beacon S M L  
Marchal Camp M
Olatunji Command Facility M
Olowe Chemical Works L
Scavo's Humility S L
Sinclair Port S M L  
Timofeyevich Barracks S M L  
Watson's Workshop L


15.73 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beaulieu Prospecting Facility S L
   Bottego's Inheritance - - - -
Cenker Dock S M  
Daisley's Minerals S
Ferreyra Prospecting Rigs S
Ganguly Metallurgic Enterprise S
Gomez Excavation Facility S L
Hamilton Lab S M L  
Mahajan Prospecting Territory
Murphy's Biome S
Porsche Works S M  
Priest Horticultural Site S L
Rusten Dredging Territory S
Shaula Excavation Prospect S L
Singh Mineralogic Exploration S L

LHS 374

15.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amos Forge S L
Benitez Biochemical Assembly S
Cha Research Expedition S
Chamapiwa's Castings S L
Gold Colony S M  
Harness Landing S M L  
Holloway Synthetics Assembly L
Kandel Terminal S M  
Kramer Genetics Installation S L
Rawlinson Analytics Institution S L
Sastry's Engineering L
Tsybulya's Productions S
West Genetics Complex S

LP 917-1

17.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Acharya Landing S M L  
Altamura's Manufacturings L
Apte Botanical Hub S L
Beausoleil Manufacturing Complex L
Daimler Station S M L  
Ferguson Ring S M  
Jeon Synthetics Hub M
Kagan Enterprise S M L  
Montes Chemical Installation L
Morgan Barracks S M L  
Thirsk Port S M  
Zyma Spa S L


17.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Forge L
Alasa Hold S M
Aubert Synthetics Assembly M
Bichard Hospitality Zone M
Campos Stop S L
Cataldo Arms Stockade S L
Chukwunyelu Botanical Plantation S L
Crossland Chemical L
Datla Depot
   Diaw Engineering Silo - - - -
Fabbri Munitions Encampment S M
Falade Resort M
Ferraro Nutrition Hub S
Goswami Synthetics Facility M
Han Botanical Complex S L
Ibanez Engineering Depot M
Knapper Agricultural Complex S L
   Kozak Synthetics Complex - - - -
Lafitte's Nursery S
Low Bastion S M L  
Madan Fortress S L
Martins Agricultural Holding S
Miura Cultivation Estate S L
Nishimura Cultivation Range S
Ockels Terminal S M L  
Ota Arms Stockade S L
Parekh Manufacturing Facility M
Peirce Penal colony S M L  
Piazza's Folly S L
Rawlinson Encampment S M
Rousseau's Creations M
Rudenko Chemical L
Syrotuk Chemical Hub L
Temitope Military Enterprise M
Warren Chemical Works M
Warren Synthetics Installation S
Winter Military Encampment S L
Yoshida Forge L
Zoungrana Manufacturing Silo M


17.51 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anosike Biological Site S L
Blayney Biological Installation S
Fischer Industrial Site L
Garrido's Drilling S L
Goh Laboratory S
Hahm Deposits M
Konashevych's Consulting S L
Mao Synthetics Base L
Mellors Institution S L
Orakpo Laboratory S L
Oshpak Astrophysics Institution S L
Osman Pharmacology S
Sakai Biochemical Lab S L
Schmid Chemical S L
Wilkins Biochemical Enterprise S L
Wright Vision S M  
Yamamoto Extraction Prospect S L


17.59 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allard Biochemical Laboratory S L
Bunsen Base S M  
Delbruck Outpost S M  
Dias Genetics Institution S L
Esposito Industrial Base L
Herrmann Synthetics Complex M
Hully Genetics Forum S L
Jung Synthetics Depot S
Kotsubinsky Genetics Lab S L
Mathibeli Research Institution S
Okamoto Chemical Installation S
Park Analysis Forum S
Rey Manufacturing Depot L
Shimizu Biological Lab S
Thorn Research Installation S
Ziegler Analytics S L

LP 855-34

18.15 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Acton Port S M  
Akpabio's Laboratory S L
Chung Biological Institution S L
Covey Point S M  
Hyde's Installation S
Kapoor Synthetics Installation S L
Kolev Biochemical Laboratory S L
Marsh Astrophysics Forum S L
Pascali Biological Consulting S L
Seok Analytics Forum S L
Sirko Engineering Exchange L
Wacera Genetics Enterprise S L