LHS 3022

Name SML Mug Gin
Rothfuss Freeport S M  

Closest systems to LHS 3022


8.34 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allard's Bay
Bahuguna Manufacturing Site L
Barbosa Industrial Enterprise S
Benitez Tourism Resort
Bryusov Orbital S M L  
Datta Military Encampment S L
Dragomanov Depot L
Eckford Depot S M L  
Ellison Dock S M  
Pordenone Terminal S M  
Schuster Chemical Holdings S L


8.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Berhe Spa
Berners-Lee Laboratory S M L  
Boldyr's Sanctuary S L
Bourne Forge L
Brillant Base S M L  
Estrada Biological Expedition
Joo Biochemical S
Lukashenko's Nest S L
Mendy Entertainment Lodge
Pryor Landing S M  
Quantock Tourist Hostel
Skolem Hangar S M  
Theofelus's Laboratory S L
Ueno Agricultural Holding S L
Xing Analytics Centre S L

8 Alpha-1 Libra

10.86 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Hire Hub S M L  

Zuben Elgenubi

11.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Sternberg Terminal S M L  

BD-10 4011

11.59 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amato Industrial Forge L
Clarke Command Installation S L
Dawkes Prospecting Hub S
Faconti's Arsenal S
Helmholtz Beacon S M L  
Marchal Camp M
Olatunji Command Facility M
Olowe Chemical Works L
Scavo's Humility S L
Sinclair Port S M L  
Timofeyevich Barracks S M L  
Watson's Workshop L


11.88 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abraham's Garrison M
Arai Arms Hub S M
Ariss Military Armoury M
Avicenna Hub S M L  
Babu Military Base M
Bakshi Defence Complex S L
Barbeau Chemical Productions L
Barone Chemical Base S
Beaumont Defence Barracks S L
Beck's Outpost S M
Berhe Manufacturing Exchange S L
Biggs Tourist Site S L
Boulaid Chemical Base L
Bruni Bastion S M
Brunt Industrial Works S
Carstensz Laboratory S M L  
Chakladar's Landing M
Choo Military Fortification M
Citrolo Resolve S L
Cohen Chemical Plant S
Cukkemane House S L
Deloney Military Fortification S M
Desai Military Armoury M
Desikan Arms Stockade S M
Desjardins Camp S L
Dukuly Command Facility S L
Elaschuk's Manufacturings S
Eyharts Silo S M L  
Fay Command Facility M
Fiorentino Munitions Complex S M
Fleming City S M  
Florianz Industrial Site S
Gairola Service M
Gonzalez's Hold S L
Gupta's Quest S L
Hah Honour M
Halil Manufacturing Facility M
Hatwal Synthetics Complex S
Hawkins Industrial Assembly M
Herraez's Keep M
Holthausen's Fort S M
Horsman Military Site S M
Ivanychuk Military Encampment S L
Jaitly Engineering L
Keita Defence Hub S L
Laflamme Manufacturing Plant L
Lobbo Stockade M
Loeffler Military Site S L
Mahama Command S L
Mahto Defence Installation S L
Malins Manufacturing Facility L
Marinov Engineering Site S
Mbarga's Jurisdiction S L
McGuire Military Expedition S L
Mendez Tourism Zone S L
Ndiaye Defence Hub S M
Newland Agricultural Nursery S L
Okamoto's Jurisdiction M
Okusanya's Workshop M
Oladele's Point S L
Onishi Watch M
Ono's Watch S L
Onyilogwu Military Garrison M
Orji Command Complex S L
Oyinlola Engineering Hub M
Parmitano Dock S M  
Patel Cultivation Site S L
Pianzola Industrial Hub S
Pidkova Arms Garrison M
Poblete Chemical Workshop L
Ptaszynski Command Complex S M
Qiao Military Stockade S M
Ricci Military Barracks S L
Richardson's Resort S L
Rivas Defence Enterprise M
Rivera Encampment M
Romero Industrial Creations L
Rybalka Manufacturing Depot L
Salinas Manufacturing Exchange L
Savchuk's Dock S L
Scott Chemical Hub L
Serduk Bastion S L
Shao Engineering Enterprise L
Skovoroda Military Enterprise S M
Soulier's Creations S
Taschieri Outpost S L
Tirjak's Garrison S L
Tsarenko Hold S M
Varma's Camp S M
Vinet Engineering Enterprise L
Vinet Military Barracks S M
Walker Command Outpost M
Zhilenko Armament M

Dao Jungu

12.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bayley Station S M  
Bondar Botanical Biosphere S
Carlisle Orbital S M L  
Clarke's Forge
Dayuan Orbital S M L  
Ele Hydroponics Exchange
Fairbairn Gateway S M L  
Fujimoto Bay S L
Geiger Terminus M
Gresh Installation S M L  
Grigson Survey S M L  
Jawara Industrial Base L
Kessel Gateway S M  
Kimberlin Dock S M  
Kobayashi's Cheer
Landis Terminal S M L  
Martinez Agricultural Collection S L
Martins's Passage S L
   Mendeleev Escape - - - -
Mille City S M L  
Nzeribe Chemical S
   Paez Beacon +++ - - - -
Reyes's Biosphere S
Ron Hubbard Hub S M  
   Schmidt Depot - - - -
   Staden Beacon - - - -
Swanwick Port S M L  
Vercors Orbital S M  
Welleweerd Tourism Resort S L


12.78 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alten Holdings S M L  
Apte Entertainment Lodge
Araujo Extraction Complex L
Baldock Synthetics Holdings L
Bergmann Industrial Plant L
Biddiscombe Botanics
Burn Cultivation Complex S L
Chapman Industrial Exchange
Charman Engineering Installation L
Choo Manufacturing Silo S
Chung's Minerals S L
Conde Synthetics Complex
Corner Engineering Site L
Crouch Hub S M  
Filipchenko Orbital S M  
Garneau Port S M L  
Hao Chemical S
Hughes Dredging Site L
Iyer Hydroponics Centre S L
   Jendrassik Plant +++ - - - -
Kosach Dock S L
   Lavoisier Base + - - - -
Liang Extraction Site
Lima Tourism Lodge S L
Mahajan Military Expedition M
Mallett Retreat M
Nkoana Obligation S L
Nwadike Tourist Resort
Owen Mining Exploration S L
Owusu Visitor Zone S L
Papacosta Synthetics Plant S
Pasternak Manufacturing Installation M
Purandare Mining Hub S
Rybalka Hydroponics Base S L
Schmid Cultivation Exchange
Seok Manufacturing Site L
Winstone Bay
Xing Drilling Exchange M
Yuschenko Industrial Silo L


13.76 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Boldyr Drilling Enterprise M
Edwards City S M  
Grebinka Prospecting Installation M
Hume Mining Enterprise M
Moore Extraction Territory M
Saccone Mining Complex S L
Vargas Dredging Platform S

LHS 3079

13.95 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ameziane's Works S
Asaju Cultivation Habitat
Basu Dredging Site
Borisenko Point S M L  
Clough Market S M L  
Cranfield Engineering Installation L
Deshmukh Resort M
Gloss Vision S M L  
Hahn Drilling Installation L
Huang Manufacturing Depot
Khanna Dredging Territory
Poroshenko Mineralogic Facility
Rawlinson Industrial Exchange L
Ross City S M L  
Still Port S M  
Teklehaimanot Chemical Depot
Tummino's Hold S M
Watson Orbital S M  
Zadzisai Dredging Enterprise

LTT 6139

14.82 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bakshi's Anvil S L
Blakytny's Medicines S
Bustos Sanctuary S L
Byun Biological Facility S L
Diaw Research Facility S L
Mckenzie Research Lab
Nkoana's Bridge S L
Pawelczyk Hangar S M L  
Rutherford Plant S M  
Seol Tourist Complex S L
Tikwa Analytics S


15.15 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amaike Agricultural Range S
Apara Horticultural Site S
Baxter Station S M L  
Berezuk Horticultural Garden S L
Bessemer Forum S M L  
Cavendish Hub S M L  
Dovzhenko's Welcome S L
Farrukh Hub S M L  
Fra Agricultural Holding S L
Furnival Visitor Lodge S L
Gao Falls S L
Gil Botanical Plantation S L
Hicks Leisure Resort S L
Ji's Tranquility S L
Jin Chemical Silo L
Kamga Botanical Base S L
Kashyap Chemical Foundry L
Kovalenko Cultivation Holding S
Krupkat Keep S M L  
Kyrylo Industrial Works L
la Cosa City S M  
Lal Chemical Depot L
Lindbohm Port S M  
Lisunov Botanical Site S
Mani Leisure Complex S L
McCabe Agricultural Biome S
Nespoli Bastion S M L  
Orellana Synthetics Silo L
Petrenko Manufacturing Hub M
Purandare Hydroponics Hub S L
Richards's Constructions L
Rowley Dock S M  
Sakers Hub S M  
Shore Horticultural Complex S L
Stuart Terminal S M L  
Tkachenko Botanical Farm S L
Toro Botanical Complex S
Zeng Chemical L


15.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Outpost M
Anderson Analysis Laboratory S L
Bellamy Biochemical Exploration S
Correa Munitions Outpost S L
Diaw Chemical Works S
Estrada Munitions Encampment
Fernandes's Analytics S
Fournier's Honour S L
Janes Camp S M L  
Jones Command Installation
Lee Gateway S M  
Lima Military Bastion S L
   Linaweaver Bastion - - - -
McMullen Ring S M L  
Orellana Military Enterprise M
Pettitt Industrial Productions S L
Rawlinson Command Site
Resnik Base S M L  
Rocha Nutrition Centre S L
   Rose Installation - - - -
Saez Command Base S L
Schmidt Genetics Exploration
Scholtz Engineering Hub S
Tanner Forge
The Printworks S M L  
Tkachenko Keep S L

LP 861-12

15.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Artyukhin Terminal S M L  
Barnett Industrial Forge L
Bedi's Fort M
Bell Garrison M
Benton Chemical L
   Botman Manufacturing Hub - - - -
Dubois Outpost M
Eke Visitor Hostel S L
Fabbri Military Encampment S M
Faconti Arms Base S L
Garrido Control S L
Goh Military Stockade M
Grover Liberty
Hara Tourism Complex M
Herrmann Chemical Enterprise L
Howarth's Edge S L
Iyengar's Obligation S M
Klimuk Depot S M L  
Kopyl Command Complex
Kryyst Tourist Zone M
Laflamme Munitions Facility S L
Ngidi Fortification M
Olanrewaju's Locus S L
Olivares Camp M
Palma Command Base M
Pan's Installation L
Perets Defence Installation
Schofield Command Site S L
Shenna Synthetics Depot L
Stride Bastion S L
Sung Industrial Silo L
Thoreau Ring S M  
Vasylyshin Munitions Facility S L
Werner Military Armoury S L

LP 800-6

16.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Banmeke Agricultural Farm S L
Broutsos Hold S L
Clothier's Plantation
Dalal Industrial Facility S
   Diamond Keep - - - -
Dibrova's Rise S L
Doroshenko Industrial Exchange L
Hadfield Colony S M  
Hyeon Genetics Assembly S L
Key's Inheritance S M L  
Laister Analytics Site S L
Maeda Hospitality Zone S L
Miura Horticultural Plantation S L
Oyekan Manufacturing Site L
Precourt Hub S M  
Rousseau Biological Enterprise S L
Tummino Research Site S
Vitale Botanical Exchange S L
Welleweerd Hydroponics Holding S