
Name SML Mug Gin
Brash Enterprise S M L  
Carrizo Agricultural Estate S
Hughes Depot S M L  
Jenner Terminal S M  
Kolev Horticultural Complex S
Min Botanical Centre S L
Noriega's Progress S M L  
Rae Legacy S M L  
Sharipov Hub S M L  
Smith Terminal S M  

Closest systems to Brahma

G 65-9

5.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Blanco Horticultural Biome S
Bray Jurisdiction S L
Crosby Chemical Assembly L
Dewsnap's Landing S L
Graf Command Site M
Hume Orbital S M  
Jin Engineering Site S L
Lagarde's Honour S L
Leclerc Industrial Works L
Lorenzo Terminus S L
MacCurdy Hub S M  
Martins Horticultural Collection S
Mourelle Gateway S M L  
Mushket Engineering Foundry L
Poulin Synthetics Plant L
Quiroga Engineering Exchange S
Stride Defence Enterprise S L
Strzelecki's Progress S M L  
Stupka Munitions Encampment S L

Ross 486

6.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Augar Mining Hub L
Avery Prospecting Facility S L
Bassett Command Facility S M
Beaumont Research Complex S
Bergmann Cultivations S L
Braines's Watch S L
Brownlie Nutritional S L
Burrows's Arsenal S L
Dakhno Military Barracks M
Desmond Analytics Forum S L
Dexter Extraction Facility M
Duffy Bastion S M L  
Egebe Engineering Silo M
Elaschuk Manufacturing Installation L
Ele's Biological S L
Flanagan's Fortification S L
Ghatak Genetics Lab S
Golds Genetics Institution S L
Gomes Research Site S L
Harland Deposits S
Harland Military Fortification S L
Henry Prospecting Enterprise S L
Hernandez's Hold M
Herraez Minerology L
Hobbs Excavation Platform S L
Johnson Barracks S M L  
King Observatory S M L  
Kong's Encampment S L
Kravchenko's Bastion S M
Lafitte Biochemical Site S
Maji Botanical Centre S L
Majoro Industrial Enterprise L
Mannan's Fortress S L
Min Command Site S L
Moreau Military Complex S L
Munoz's Expedition S M
Obetsebi Dredging Facility S L
Okusanya Laboratory S L
Okusanya's Forge S
Onyeneme Mines S L
Otsuka Engineering Enterprise L
Owen's Minerals S L
Pascali Genetics Installation S L
Ramirez Manufacturing Depot M
Rhee's Biological S L
Ribeiro Munitions Outpost S L
Rodgers Industrial Assembly L
Russo Manufacturing Facility L
Saliba Mining Base S
Salinas's Claim S L
Saunders Arms Site M
Saunders Genetics Lab S
Siakam Munitions Hold M
Sohn Munitions Encampment S L
Sommer Munitions Facility S L
Suarez Chemical Plant S
Suk Horticultural Base S
Teng-hui Terminal S M  
Theofelus Industrial Works M
Usachov Plant S M  
Vasquez's Command S L
Xie's Command S L
Yeon Botanical Enterprise S L


7.23 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Armstrong Engineering Silo S
Babu Formulations S L
Berezuk Chemical Facility L
Craig's Research S L
Daisley Manufacturing Installation L
Ganguly's Biological S L
Hyeon Pharmacology S L
Juarez Biological Complex S L
Kovalenko Biological S
Makonda Chemical Productions L
Neumann Hub S M  
Ngidi Chemical Hub L
Nomura Research Assembly S L
Ota Research Enterprise S L
Pavluk's Manufacturings S
Poulin Biological Assembly S
Syrylak Genetics Lab S
Thomas Genetics Complex S L
Tkachenko Biological Expedition S
Xiaoguan Orbital S M L  
Zelenko Genetics Complex S L

59 Virginis

9.46 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Hydroponics Garden S L
Altadonna Synthetics Hub L
Anotidaishe's Creations S
Ariss Chemical Silo L
Bailey Visitor Hostel S L
Bakshi Agricultural Estate S L
Barbet Horticultural Facility S
Barrera's Vice S L
Bauer's Forge L
Bedi Synthetics Hub L
Biddiscombe Agricultural Base S L
Blaes Hydroponics Range S L
Bonetti Cultivation Exchange S L
Bonetti Nutrition Collection S L
Bradshaw Barracks S M L  
Broderick Escape S M L  
Bullen Horticultural Exchange
Bullen Synthetics Moulding S
Cantor Camp S M L  
Carvalho Nurseries S L
Chawla Hydroponics Market S L
Cheng Botanical Enterprise
Chern Point S M L  
Chevalier Entertainment Complex M
Dukuly Visitor Zone M
Dzuba Hydroponics Holding S L
Fahnbulleh Tourism Site S L
Ferraro Agricultural Estate
Gerrold Refinery S M L  
Golub Botanical Holding
Gowon Cultivation Biosphere
Grinchenko Command Installation M
Gutsalo Nutritional S L
Gwon Hydroponics Estate S L
Henriquez Nutrition Complex S L
Hertz Oasis S M L  
Hickey Engineering Depot
Hottot Camp S M L  
Huxley Arena S M L  
Igwe Chemical Complex
Ihejirika Chemical Plant L
Kambanda Bridge M
Kava Manufacturing Enterprise L
Kay Horticultural S
Kimura Industrial Facility L
Landsteiner Terminal S M L  
Lee's Reception S L
Linnett's View S L
Macleod Cultivation Complex S
Malakar's Expedition S M
Maldonado Engineering Silo L
Mallett Boarding Lodge S L
Mani Botanical Centre
Meng Agricultural Facility S L
Moore Agricultural Holding S
Motrienko Botanical Plantation S L
Murakami Hydroponics Centre S L
Nakamura Nutritional
Ngobi Engineering S
Nourse Plant S M L  
Onyilogwu Nutrition Biosphere S L
Owusu Agricultural Exchange S L
Patsayev's Progress S M L  
Petlura's Engineering S
Ponomarenko Boarding Hostel
Prince Industrial Depot L
Prohasko Manufacturing Site L
Pyeon Nutrition Complex S L
Rawlins Leisure Complex M
Reyes House S L
Sankoh's Harmony
Sauer's Zenith S L
Scholtz Chemical Holdings L
Semwal Botanical Biosphere S L
Singh Horticultural Hub S L
Skoropadsky Chemical Base
Sung Visitor Hostel S L
Taine Point S M L  
The Tavern S M L  
Uhm Expedition M
Watanabe Manufacturing Depot S L
Zettel Installation S M L  
Zhong Cultivation Hub S L
Zsigmond's Steal M

LHS 353

9.83 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Morgan Landing S M  

Wolf 433

12.57 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Badeaux's Foundry M
Daisley Control S L
Ellis Orbital S M L  
Hartog's Installation L
   Heaviside Barracks - - - -
Jelani Munitions Site S L
Miura's Foundry L
Romanenko Port S M  
Schulz Biological Lab S L
Soh's Genetics S L
Stupka Industrial Exchange L
Tummino Cultivation Facility S L
Wiggins Military Enterprise M
Zivai Industrial Depot M


13.37 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baird Installation S M L  
Baker Point S M  
Banerjee Drilling Enterprise S
Beaulieu's Mine L
Borodavka Chemical Exchange M
Dewan Prospecting Platform S L
Dominguez Prospecting Installation S
Hardy Drilling Base S
Khurana Metallurgic Reserve L
Neumann's Mine S
Rey Mining Facility L
Vera Metallurgic Base L
Vergara Excavation Prospect S
Watanabe Prospecting Platform S
Windt Mine S M  

70 Virginis

13.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Albrecht Hydroponics Facility S L
Almeida-Vega Nutrition Holdings S L
Arsenault Agricultural Site S
Badeaux Agricultural Enterprise
Barbeau Nutrition Nursery S L
Blair Installation S M L  
Capretto Horticultural Centre
Capretto Hydroponics Site S
Converse Horizons S M L  
Dalal Visitor Site M
Daramy Horticultural Site S L
Dovzhenko Horticultural Estate S L
Eames Agricultural Site S L
Faconti Munitions Facility S L
Fawcett Hub S M L  
Frobenius Base S M L  
Fuentes Nutrition Farm S
Gairola Hydroponics Base
Ganguly Hydroponics Market S L
Hitchen Tourism Site S L
Joshi Horticultural Garden
Kang Horticultural Collection S L
Kobyliansky Cultivation Holding S L
Kondo's Forever S L
Kong's Installation L
Leonard Horticultural Nursery S L
MacLean Terminal S M L  
Malyarenko Keep S L
Mazepa Hydroponics Complex S L
Meghani Hydroponics Centre S L
Mellier Horticultural Market S
Mellier Synthetics Site S L
Navarrete Hospitality Complex S L
Navigator's Inheritance S M L  
Olivares Horticultural Nursery S L
Park Hydroponics Nursery S
Pavluk Cultivation Holding S L
Perez Tourist Complex S L
Pesci Cultivation Enterprise
Pidgaiko Horticultural S
Prytula Botanical Garden S L
Ribeiro's Biome S
Rodgers's Bridge
Scalzi Keep S M L  
Schuster Cultivation Habitat S
Senior's Steal M
Stammers Nutrition Holding S L
Stimpson Synthetics Hub S
Takeda Hydroponics Farm S
Vasilyev Dock S M L  
Vytrebenko Nutrition Collection S L
Yarovy Horticultural Estate S L
Zubairu Chemical Enterprise S L

LTT 5623

13.64 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chernenko Agricultural Biosphere S L
Metcalf Beacon S M L  
Montes Botanical Centre S
Vries City S M  

Wolf 485a

13.69 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Faraday Ring S M  
Hoard Gateway S M L  

LP 620-3

13.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bellegrade's Manufacturings L
Chorny's Falls S L
Crozier Leisure Zone M
Dubey Tourist Zone S L
Farouk Relay S M L  
Firpo Bay M
Gresh Penal colony S M L  
Igbinedion Industrial Hub S
Jensen Enterprise S M L  
Juarez Lodgings S L
Kohler Manufacturing Base L
Lamar's Workshop L
Magnusson Chemical Plant L
Mao Engineering Exchange L
Oliveira Chemical Workshop M
Porzio's Forever M
Puche's Lodgings S L
Rymill Chemical Exchange L
Shkaplerov City S M  
Spark Visitor Resort M
Tarasenko Agricultural Centre S L
Vaillant Industrial Complex
Yook Hydroponics Facility S L
Zeng Sanctuary S L

Tau Bootis

13.98 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Helmholtz City S M L  
Linteris Dock S M  
Nikolayev Terminal S M L  
Pascal Orbital S M L  
Schweickart Dock S M L  

LFT 1103

14.37 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aloisio Cultivation Centre S L
Desai Genetics Laboratory S L
Kirk Ring S M L  
Maruyama Military Stockade S M
Morelli Military Camp S L
Nylund Reach S M L  
Pan Synthetics Holdings L
Richardson Point M
Sakurai Agricultural Complex S L
Savchenko Astrophysics Expedition S L
Sawyer Port S M  
Sibanda's Laboratory S
Tuvey Defence Installation M

BD+16 2404

14.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Badeaux Command Complex M
Barba Terminal S M  
Boulaid Genetics Enterprise S
Braun Command Site S L
Byun's Astrophysics S L
Denisenko Research Facility S
Duan Botanical Garden S L
Fabbri Biochemical Consulting S
Fabbri Defence Barracks M
Fry Munitions Stockade S L
Hartmann Command Installation S L
Ishikawa Munitions Outpost M
Kondo Command Site S M
Manzo Drilling Platform L
Mazumder Territories M
Morita Metallurgic Complex S L
Pizarro Munitions Outpost S L
Richardson Military Fort
Rios Biological Installation S
Vera's Camp
Yuan's Consulting S

LHS 355

14.57 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alioune Industrial Hub L
Aravena's Mineralogical S L
Babangida Entertainment Complex S L
Babangida Extraction Enterprise M
Beaulieu's Steal S L
Blanchard Chemical Base L
Breguet Dredging Installation S
Bunyan Industrial Facility L
Chamapiwa Manufacturing Plant L
Chernenko's Chemicals L
Close Synthetics Workshop L
Correa Botanical Centre S L
Crown Terminal S M  
   Crumey Installation + - - - -
Deshpande Botanical Collection S L
Flewitt Agricultural Facility S L
Flores Prospecting Exchange M
   Harper Vision ++ - - - -
   Henricks Observatory + - - - -
Jeffries Engineering Complex L
Jin Forge L
Kotsuba's Anvil S L
Kuharenko Defence Complex S L
McIntyre Prospect S M L  
Moursi Engineering Enterprise L
Newland's Retreat S L
Nomura Extraction Platform S L
Puche Horticultural Range S L
Ramelli City S M L  
Richelieu Metallurgic Exchange M
Scholz's Syntheticals L
Sepulveda Defence Site S M
Steinmuller Holdings S M L  
Tito Enterprise S M  
Ware Chemical Workshop S
Zhong Manufacturing L