Wolf 433

Name SML Mug Gin
Badeaux's Foundry M
Daisley Control S L
Ellis Orbital S M L  
Hartog's Installation L
   Heaviside Barracks - - - -
Jelani Munitions Site S L
Miura's Foundry L
Romanenko Port S M  
Schulz Biological Lab S L
Soh's Genetics S L
Stupka Industrial Exchange L
Tummino Cultivation Facility S L
Wiggins Military Enterprise M
Zivai Industrial Depot M

Closest systems to Wolf 433

BD+16 2404

3.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Badeaux Command Complex M
Barba Terminal S M  
Boulaid Genetics Enterprise S
Braun Command Site S L
Byun's Astrophysics S L
Denisenko Research Facility S
Duan Botanical Garden S L
Fabbri Biochemical Consulting S
Fabbri Defence Barracks M
Fry Munitions Stockade S L
Hartmann Command Installation S L
Ishikawa Munitions Outpost M
Kondo Command Site S M
Manzo Drilling Platform L
Mazumder Territories M
Morita Metallurgic Complex S L
Pizarro Munitions Outpost S L
Richardson Military Fort
Rios Biological Installation S
Vera's Camp
Yuan's Consulting S

LHS 2471

10.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allard's Biosphere S L
Artsebarsky Enterprise S M  
Baird City S M  
Bastien Botanical Biosphere S L
Belyayev Terminal S M L  
Bernier Manufacturing Workshop L
Bot Visitor Complex M
Botman Botanical Enterprise S L
Brown Nutrition Facility S L
Bruneau Agricultural Enterprise S L
Cartier's Lodgings S L
Cavalcante Horticultural Base S L
Cernan Relay S M L  
Chauhan Synthetics Foundry L
Chidubem's Works L
Davies's Locus M
Dowling Holdings S M L  
Fossey Port S M  
Foster's Biome S L
Gil Botanical Collection S
Hayashi Engineering Silo M
Ito Laboratory S M L  
Kaiser Arms Base M
Liang's Slumber M
Lim Synthetics Depot L
Litke's Progress S M L  
Maeda Horticultural Enterprise S L
Martinez's Eden M
Michelson Gateway S M L  
Miyazaki Synthetics Installation L
Montes Synthetics Facility L
Morgan's House S L
Onishi Nutritional S L
Precourt Hub S M  
Reisman's Inheritance S M L  
Sakamoto Botanical Biosphere S L
Schmid's Chemicals L
Schuster Industrial Site L
Sturt Point S M L  
Takeuchi Industrial Facility L
Teng-hui Dock S M L  

DT Virginis

11.16 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bastien Chemical Hub L
Broutsos's Manufacturings L
Knapper Synthetics Depot L
Russo Engineering Installation S
So-yeon Vision S M  
Valenzuela Chemical Hub M
Welleweerd Chemical Exchange L

LP 493-64

11.5 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Apte Munitions Hold M
Atte-Oudeyi Plantations S
Bhatt Industrial Foundry S
Bianchi Military Complex S L
Cardenas's Honour S L
Chakladar Chemical Hub L
Chern Settlement S M L  
Chung Obligation S M
Fossey Gateway S M  
Hayashi Cultivation Site S L
Horwood's Constructions S
Hume Analytics Centre S L
Laister's Garrison S L
   Lukyanenko Survey +++ - - - -
   MacLeod Hub ++ - - - -
Martin Manufacturing Forge L
Quandt Biochemical Consulting S
Ramanujan Hub S M L  
Rey Industrial Hub S
   Sarmiento de Gamboa Relay - - - -
Shewayish Command S L
Thordarson Command Site M
Walter Defence Hub S M

LHS 355

11.6 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alioune Industrial Hub L
Aravena's Mineralogical S L
Babangida Entertainment Complex S L
Babangida Extraction Enterprise M
Beaulieu's Steal S L
Blanchard Chemical Base L
Breguet Dredging Installation S
Bunyan Industrial Facility L
Chamapiwa Manufacturing Plant L
Chernenko's Chemicals L
Close Synthetics Workshop L
Correa Botanical Centre S L
Crown Terminal S M  
   Crumey Installation + - - - -
Deshpande Botanical Collection S L
Flewitt Agricultural Facility S L
Flores Prospecting Exchange M
   Harper Vision ++ - - - -
   Henricks Observatory + - - - -
Jeffries Engineering Complex L
Jin Forge L
Kotsuba's Anvil S L
Kuharenko Defence Complex S L
McIntyre Prospect S M L  
Moursi Engineering Enterprise L
Newland's Retreat S L
Nomura Extraction Platform S L
Puche Horticultural Range S L
Ramelli City S M L  
Richelieu Metallurgic Exchange M
Scholz's Syntheticals L
Sepulveda Defence Site S M
Steinmuller Holdings S M L  
Tito Enterprise S M  
Ware Chemical Workshop S
Zhong Manufacturing L


12.57 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brash Enterprise S M L  
Carrizo Agricultural Estate S
Hughes Depot S M L  
Jenner Terminal S M  
Kolev Horticultural Complex S
Min Botanical Centre S L
Noriega's Progress S M L  
Rae Legacy S M L  
Sharipov Hub S M L  
Smith Terminal S M  


13.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almeida-Vega Analysis Facility S
Babu Horticultural Site S
Beaumont Horticultural Holding S L
Belshaw's Consulting S L
Benton Nutrition Facility S
Bray Analytics Site S L
Brinkmann Nutrition Biome S
Chevalier Botanical Habitat S
Chun Analytics Complex S
Clayton Plantations S L
Coumbassa Agricultural Centre S L
Dhaenens Horticultural Exchange S L
Eesuola Hydroponics Enterprise S
Evans Biological Forum S
Feoktistov Orbital S M  
Goh Botanical Base S L
Greco's Constructions L
Gustard Engineering L
Halil Agricultural Exchange S
   Hobaugh Beacon +++ - - - -
Kapadia Horticultural Biosphere S L
Kashyap Genetics Centre S
Kato Nutrition Habitat S
Kostenko Formulations S
Kulkarni's Manufacturings S
Lagos Horticultural Holding S
Leiva Engineering Foundry S L
Lim Cultivation Market S L
Lukashenko Biological Enterprise S L
Maddex Cultivation Market S
Mao Botanical Site S L
Melo Genetics Centre S L
Moursi Nutrition Farm S L
Nalyvaiko Chemical Works L
Omenuko Hydroponics Garden S
Onyeneme Biological Facility S L
Oshpak Botanical Centre S
Otero Hydroponics Facility S
Powell's Biochemicals S L
Prytula Analysis Forum S L
Prytula Horticultural Habitat S
Quantock Agricultural Centre S L
Rahman Industrial Foundry S
Rahman's Syntheticals L
Richards Hydroponics Market S L
Saliba Biochemical Institution S L
Sanchez Cultivation Holding S L
Sanhueza Astrophysics Laboratory S L
Savchenko Hydroponics S L
Scholey Analysis Facility S
Schwarz Analysis Lab S L
Stupka Plantations S L
Uduike Horticultural Biosphere S L
Vaillant Inventions S L
Van Leeuwen Hydroponics Habitat S
Vasyluk Agricultural Estate S L
Webster Research Institution S
Worster Horticultural Centre S L
Yarovy Manufacturing Exchange S
Yeon Chemical Base S L
Zyma Analytics Enterprise S

LHS 350

13.21 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
al-Haytham Enterprise S M L  
Araya Command Garrison S L
Arya Arms Facility
Banyard Agricultural Exchange S L
   Berliner Enterprise +++ - - - -
Bockarie's Laboratory S
Chung Defence Barracks S L
Deol's Fort S L
Eames Analysis Site S L
Farias Genetics Installation S L
Ferraro's Consulting S L
Golds Cultivation Enterprise S L
Hatwal's Resolve S L
Igwe's Industrial M
Jung Defence Base S L
Kaiser Hydroponics Enterprise S L
Kato Military Outpost S L
Kimura's Jurisdiction S M
   Kirchoff Keep + - - - -
Lastra Genetics Assembly S L
Menariya Agricultural Enterprise S L
Oltion Dock S M  
Owen Defence Facility S L
   Rawn Enterprise + - - - -
Rudenko Nutrition Complex S L
Ryu's Plantation S L
Saunders Military Barracks S M
Senior Horticultural Market S L
Shumil Base S M L  
Soh Munitions Installation M
Sohn Arms Hub S L
Soto Biological Centre S L
Zadzisai Botanical Nursery S

59 Virginis

13.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Hydroponics Garden S L
Altadonna Synthetics Hub L
Anotidaishe's Creations S
Ariss Chemical Silo L
Bailey Visitor Hostel S L
Bakshi Agricultural Estate S L
Barbet Horticultural Facility S
Barrera's Vice S L
Bauer's Forge L
Bedi Synthetics Hub L
Biddiscombe Agricultural Base S L
Blaes Hydroponics Range S L
Bonetti Cultivation Exchange S L
Bonetti Nutrition Collection S L
Bradshaw Barracks S M L  
Broderick Escape S M L  
Bullen Horticultural Exchange
Bullen Synthetics Moulding S
Cantor Camp S M L  
Carvalho Nurseries S L
Chawla Hydroponics Market S L
Cheng Botanical Enterprise
Chern Point S M L  
Chevalier Entertainment Complex M
Dukuly Visitor Zone M
Dzuba Hydroponics Holding S L
Fahnbulleh Tourism Site S L
Ferraro Agricultural Estate
Gerrold Refinery S M L  
Golub Botanical Holding
Gowon Cultivation Biosphere
Grinchenko Command Installation M
Gutsalo Nutritional S L
Gwon Hydroponics Estate S L
Henriquez Nutrition Complex S L
Hertz Oasis S M L  
Hickey Engineering Depot
Hottot Camp S M L  
Huxley Arena S M L  
Igwe Chemical Complex
Ihejirika Chemical Plant L
Kambanda Bridge M
Kava Manufacturing Enterprise L
Kay Horticultural S
Kimura Industrial Facility L
Landsteiner Terminal S M L  
Lee's Reception S L
Linnett's View S L
Macleod Cultivation Complex S
Malakar's Expedition S M
Maldonado Engineering Silo L
Mallett Boarding Lodge S L
Mani Botanical Centre
Meng Agricultural Facility S L
Moore Agricultural Holding S
Motrienko Botanical Plantation S L
Murakami Hydroponics Centre S L
Nakamura Nutritional
Ngobi Engineering S
Nourse Plant S M L  
Onyilogwu Nutrition Biosphere S L
Owusu Agricultural Exchange S L
Patsayev's Progress S M L  
Petlura's Engineering S
Ponomarenko Boarding Hostel
Prince Industrial Depot L
Prohasko Manufacturing Site L
Pyeon Nutrition Complex S L
Rawlins Leisure Complex M
Reyes House S L
Sankoh's Harmony
Sauer's Zenith S L
Scholtz Chemical Holdings L
Semwal Botanical Biosphere S L
Singh Horticultural Hub S L
Skoropadsky Chemical Base
Sung Visitor Hostel S L
Taine Point S M L  
The Tavern S M L  
Uhm Expedition M
Watanabe Manufacturing Depot S L
Zettel Installation S M L  
Zhong Cultivation Hub S L
Zsigmond's Steal M

Wolf 497

13.9 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Buffett Vista S M L  
Celsius Observatory S M L  
Chidubem Nutrition Facility S L
Hair Agricultural Facility S L
Morita Hydroponics Site S L
Pizarro Genetics Installation S
Smeaton Vision S M  
Steinmuller Prospect S M L  
Vetulani Holdings S M  


14.15 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arrowsmith Agricultural Habitat S L
Baldock's Muse M
Brown's Spa S L
Bruneau Agricultural Biome S
Chorny Metallurgic Claim S
Dirac Terminal S M L  
Doshi Agricultural Nursery S L
Eames Extraction Complex S L
Huang Hydroponics S L
Jeffries Plantations S
Juarez Chemical Productions S
Kotsuba Synthetics Facility L
Lymar's Muse S L
Mannan Synthetics Silo L
Meyer Horticultural Biome S L
Munoz Cultivation Range S L
O'Donnell Barracks S M L  
Rocha Botanical Site S L
Satapathy Agricultural Complex S L
Sengupta Horticultural Nursery S L
Sommer's Habitat S L
Stride Chemical Exchange L
Syvolap's Lodgings S L
Tsarenko Horticultural Collection S
Verquerre Nutrition Holding S L
Yi Chemical Enterprise L


14.5 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Azevedo Chemical Holdings M
Bawa Synthetics Enterprise S
   Bugrov Penal colony + - - - -
Chopra Extraction Exchange S L
Courbet Drilling Rigs L
Haber Prospect S M  
Heath's Claim L
Hobbs Prospecting Installation S L
Ivaschenko Metallurgic Territory S L
Kenyatta Dredging Facility S L
Kewell Extraction Hub L
Kotyschenko Drilling Exploration L
Krisjanis Engineering Hub L
Mulford Territories S L
Pascali Dredging Installation S L
Penfold Chemical Holdings L
Schuster Mineralogic Installation L
Stefansson Keep S M L  
Wiggins Horticultural Enterprise S L
Yamaguchi Horticultural Biome S L
Yamazaki Chemical Exchange S L
Yeo Manufacturing Hub S L
Younghusband Point S M L  


14.72 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baffin Plant S M L  
Beaumont Prospecting Site M
Benelhag Astrophysics Institution S
Binnie Orbital S M L  
Buhle Drilling Site S
Carvajal Prospecting Site S L
Citrolo Arms Installation S L
Correa Extraction Site L
Cox's Camp S L
Guerrero Research Installation S
Hatwal Mineralogic Territory S
Hertz Refinery S M  
Indongo Engineering Complex M
Iyer Biochemical Enterprise S
Keller Bastion S L
Kravchenko Industrial Installation S L
Lopes Jurisdiction S L
Olatunji Dredging Facility S L
Osnovianenko Drilling Station S L
Ozarkevich Prospecting Complex S L
Parekh Biological Forum S L
Pettitt Garrison S L
Pylypenko Industrial Forge S
Saccone Excavation Facility S
Scheerbart's Folly S M L  
Taylor Prospecting Facility S L
Thorn Arms Facility S L
Toure's Bastion S L
Traore Analytics Laboratory S
Vidal Command Base S L
Vogel Metallurgic Claim S L
Zalyotin Dock S M  
Zeng Engineering Silo L

Ross 115

15.03 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bailey Agricultural Holdings S L
Bauwens Industrial Assembly L
Bonfils Industrial Hub
Dai Chemical Plant L
Dzsejt Genetics S L
Eudoxus Works S M L  
Fernandez Analytics Centre S L
Orlay Hydroponics Farm S L
Pasichnyk Synthetics Site S
Planck Orbital S M  
Shin Cultivation Enterprise S L
Yarovy Analysis Complex S L

Ross 486

15.1 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Augar Mining Hub L
Avery Prospecting Facility S L
Bassett Command Facility S M
Beaumont Research Complex S
Bergmann Cultivations S L
Braines's Watch S L
Brownlie Nutritional S L
Burrows's Arsenal S L
Dakhno Military Barracks M
Desmond Analytics Forum S L
Dexter Extraction Facility M
Duffy Bastion S M L  
Egebe Engineering Silo M
Elaschuk Manufacturing Installation L
Ele's Biological S L
Flanagan's Fortification S L
Ghatak Genetics Lab S
Golds Genetics Institution S L
Gomes Research Site S L
Harland Deposits S
Harland Military Fortification S L
Henry Prospecting Enterprise S L
Hernandez's Hold M
Herraez Minerology L
Hobbs Excavation Platform S L
Johnson Barracks S M L  
King Observatory S M L  
Kong's Encampment S L
Kravchenko's Bastion S M
Lafitte Biochemical Site S
Maji Botanical Centre S L
Majoro Industrial Enterprise L
Mannan's Fortress S L
Min Command Site S L
Moreau Military Complex S L
Munoz's Expedition S M
Obetsebi Dredging Facility S L
Okusanya Laboratory S L
Okusanya's Forge S
Onyeneme Mines S L
Otsuka Engineering Enterprise L
Owen's Minerals S L
Pascali Genetics Installation S L
Ramirez Manufacturing Depot M
Rhee's Biological S L
Ribeiro Munitions Outpost S L
Rodgers Industrial Assembly L
Russo Manufacturing Facility L
Saliba Mining Base S
Salinas's Claim S L
Saunders Arms Site M
Saunders Genetics Lab S
Siakam Munitions Hold M
Sohn Munitions Encampment S L
Sommer Munitions Facility S L
Suarez Chemical Plant S
Suk Horticultural Base S
Teng-hui Terminal S M  
Theofelus Industrial Works M
Usachov Plant S M  
Vasquez's Command S L
Xie's Command S L
Yeon Botanical Enterprise S L