LTT 464

Name SML Mug Gin
Hambly Platform S M  
The Mariesh Manoevre S M L  

Closest systems to LTT 464


7.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Altadonna Hydroponics Farm S L
Baio Synthetics Silo M
Bullen Nutrition Site S L
Caceres Nutrition Exchange S L
   Caselberg Enterprise - - - -
Coumbassa Horticultural Nursery S
Durand Leisure Complex M
Ellis Gateway S M  
George Beacon S M L  
Jung's Heights S L
Kenyatta Botanical Farm S
Liang Nutrition Enterprise S
Lima Industrial Installation S
Lind Works S M L  
Makonda Agricultural Hub S L
Neborak Horticultural Complex S
Noriega City S M  
Omenma Synthetics Assembly L
Oyekan Engineering S
Ramirez Horticultural Holding S
Tikwa's Nursery S L
Trevithick Beacon S M L  
Varela Horticultural Facility S
Vishweswarayya Orbital S M L  
Wamsteker's Crest S L
Washer Industrial Exchange S


7.8 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Archambault Installation S M L  
Baibuza Hydroponics Site S
Delbruck Dock S M L  
   Gaffney Horizons - - - -
Goddard Gateway S M L  
Grechko Ring S M L  
Hernandez Observatory S M L  
Maddox Relay S M L  
Senior Horticultural Range S L
Tremethick Tourism Lodge M
Zhao Horticultural Range S L

LFT 37

9.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Babbage Vision - - - -
Filipchenko Reach S M L  
Markey Industrial Base L
Murphy Spa S L
Onnes Gateway S M L  
Orji Industrial Exchange L
   Padalka Prospect - - - -
   Pellegrino Penal colony - - - -
Pollard Chemical Silo L
Richards Gateway S M L  
Roentgen Hub S M L  
Savinykh Hub S M L  
Takeuchi Agricultural Holding S L
Vanessa's Paradise S M L  
Yang's Haunt S L

LFT 141

10.29 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Engineering Base L
Asaju Manufacturing Complex M
Bengrina Fortress M
   Berkey Relay - - - -
Blakytny Defence Outpost S L
Borde Engineering Installation M
Chuong Research Site S
Contreras Munitions Site M
Dewan Synthetics Depot L
Favre's Creations L
Hilborn Drilling Installation S L
Hilborn Extraction Complex M
Hussenot Refinery S M  
Kohler Industrial Exchange L
Maeda Arms Stockade S L
Marius Horizons S M  
Moulin Pharmacology S
Noel Construction L
Okwo Defence Site S L
   Palmer's Folly - - - -
Parnenzini Fortification S L
Pollard Research S
Prohasko Military Facility S L
Ribeiro Chemical Installation S L
Rodgers's Consulting S
Saito Munitions Installation S L
Suarez Engineering Exchange L
Tian Industrial Foundry M
Vitale Genetics Laboratory S
Wilhelm Bastion S M L  

LHS 1122

11.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abebe Horticultural Habitat S L
Abega Botanical Estate S
Akintola Defence Barracks S
Altadonna Manufacturing Facility M
Amaechi Military Outpost S L
Amaike Leisure Site S L
   Anastase Perrotin Camp - - - -
Araujo Arms Hub M
Armstrong Arms Base S L
Bahuguna's Garrison S M
Bargh's Point S L
Baudelaire Chemical Works L
   Bayley's Claim - - - -
Beauchene Spa S L
Beauchene's Castings L
Bibeau Arms Garrison S M
Bonfils Defence Base M
Chancellor Fortification
Chauhan Munitions Hub S M
Clothier Industrial Depot L
Collins Military Fortification S L
DeBrocart Munitions Encampment M
Dovbush's Industrial S
Dyachenko Engineering L
Dzuba's Works L
   Fife Landing - - - -
Furaha Military Fortification S M
Griffith Gateway S M L  
Halley Orbital S M  
Hasegawa Passage S L
Hayashi Hydroponics Base S L
Heighton Synthetics Enterprise L
Heighton's Dock S L
Henry Engineering Installation L
Hume Military Hub S L
Indongo Horticultural Base S L
Ishikawa Command Outpost S L
Joo's Arsenal S L
   Keeler Forum - - - -
Lagos's Fort S L
Laurent Orbital S M  
Maddex Dredging Station S
Maiboroda's Command M
Maupertuis City S M L  
Mehta Engineering Enterprise M
Miyazaki Defence Site M
Morfett-Jones Engineering Exchange L
Murata's Fort S L
Nelson's Inheritance S M L  
Pelissier Industrial Exchange S
Qian Command Facility S L
Quiroga Defence Facility S M
Richardson Command Point S M
Rocha Defence Enterprise M
Sastry's Industrial L
Stride's Jurisdiction S L
Takada's Origin S L
Tolmie Excavation Site S L
Tolmie Keep
Torres Munitions Encampment S L
Wallis's Point S M
Washer's Control M
Yare Munitions Encampment M
Zubairu Nutrition Centre S


12.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almadrava S M L  
Bunyan Mineralogic Installation S L
Cook Mines M
Gooch's Progress S M L  
Hancock Refinery S M L  
Readdy's Progress S M L  
Santos Entertainment Resort S L
Suarez Dredging Territory S L

Kappa Phoenicis

12.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Manufacturing Installation L
Brownlie Hydroponics Base S L
   Cabana Installation - - - -
Chun's Landing S L
Filipchenko Hub S M L  
   Fisher Escape - - - -
Gonçalves Genetics Site S
Gresley Landing S M L  
Low Gateway S M  
Rawlins Horticultural Holdings S L
Uduike's Analytics S


13.25 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Whit's Station S M L  

LTT 305

13.38 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adsoy's Humility S L
Agrawal's Territory S
Agu's Farm S L
Antonaci Mining Rigs S
Armstrong Dredging Enterprise L
Augar Mining Station S L
Blanco Arms Facility S M
Bot Horticultural Facility S
Botman Excavation Platform S
Briscoe Nutrition Exchange S L
Broutsos's Joy M
Buhle Botanical S
Byeon Mineralogic Platform S L
Casari House M
Casari's Mineralogical M
Chauhan Agricultural Plantation S L
Chowdhury's Chemicals S
Coulstock-Cockeram Nutrition Nursery S
Crossland Botanical Plantation S L
Dara Horticultural Market S L
Datla Excavation Exchange S L
Emeagwali Biochemical Exploration S L
Fabbri Metallurgic Installation S L
Falade Arms Base M
Flanagan Nutrition Habitat S
Gerasimenko Horticultural Base S L
Gessi Dock S M  
Getsyk Excavation Station S
Gimenez Hydroponics S L
Harawi Holdings S M L  
Hitchen Dredging Facility S L
Ibaka's Stockade M
Imai's Reserve S
Knapper Hold S L
Kong Mineralogic Exchange S
Ladipo Horticultural Biome S L
Lavoie Extraction Territory S L
Lefschetz Hangar S M  
Makonda's Habitat S L
Malik Mining Rigs S L
Mangal Mining Facility S L
Manzo Botanical Complex S L
McGuire Cultivation Centre S L
Medina's Find S
Meghani Botanical Holdings S L
Mellier Prospecting Site S L
Naidu Mining Base M
Ngidi Excavation Platform M
Obetsebi Mining Enterprise S L
Pascali Extraction Complex S L
Pasternak Chemical Enterprise L
Pavlenko Botanical Centre S
Pizarro Analytics Centre S
Povaliy Botanical Estate S L
Prytula's Corner S L
Rahman Extraction Hub S
Rawlins Horticultural Base S L
Ren's Steal S L
Riquelme Mineralogic Complex S L
Rocha Prospecting Exchange S L
Romano Prospecting Site L
Satapathy Cultivation Collection S
Scavo Military Camp M
Suarez Chemical Hub S
Takada Nutrition Enterprise S
Tanner Horticultural Complex S
Thordarson Metallurgic Base L
Trau Cultivation Holdings S
Ueno Dredging Reserve S
Vogel Prospecting Site S L
Vytrebenko's Quest S L
Warren's Quarry M
Washer's Lodges M
Williams Botanical Garden S L
Wolf Landing S M L  
Yeon Metallurgic Base M
Zuniga Nutritional S


13.55 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brownlie Engineering Enterprise L
Garan Dock S M  
Gwynn Keep S M L  
Hakimi Command Installation S L
Hirase Horizons S M L  
Horwood's Stockade S M
Mohanty Manufacturing Silo L
Potter Chemical Hub L
Prunariu Prospect S M L  
Sharma Agricultural Facility S L
Vercher Industrial Installation L
Vizcaino Bastion S M L  
Walter Chemical Facility L
Warren's Berth S L

LFT 78

13.73 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Altamura's Watch M
Altieri Arsenal S M
Azevedo Defence Enterprise S L
Bahuguna Munitions Stockade M
Barthwal's Camp S L
Bortnik Armament S M
Cardoso's Conservatory S L
Chabanenko Genetics Complex S
Cooper Biochemical S L
Corbin Manufacturing Forge S
Coye Orbital S M L  
Daisley's Productions L
DeBrocart Research S
Dickinson Munitions Facility S M
Drach Military Garrison M
Fernandez Astrophysics Facility S
Hair Chemical Installation L
Hale Orbital S M  
Hartmann Military Barracks S L
Hawkins's Watch S M
Hickey Biological Site S
Hilbert Lab S M L  
Hou Defence Encampment S L
Hughes Military Bastion S L
Kirkwood Terminal S M  
Lamar Arms Hub M
Lockett Munitions Installation S L
Maslo Command Base S M
Matsumoto Defence Enterprise M
Nakajima Military Enterprise S L
Niijima Silo S M L  
Onyeneme Military Complex S M
Painter Medical S
Pardue's Link S L
Pascali Industrial Enterprise L
Pavluk Genetics Exploration S
Qiao's Astrophysics S L
Rhee Chemical Hub L
Seol's Consulting S L
Sommer Genetics Assembly S
Stimpson Industrial Foundry L
Sumlak Arms Encampment S L
Torres Synthetics Assembly L
Wallis Analytics Complex S L

CPO 24

13.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alves Analytics Site S L
Arsenault Biochemical Laboratory S
Augar Analytics Institution S L
Brazier Biochemical Enterprise S L
Briscoe Synthetics Assembly L
Chancellor Research Assembly S
Datla Agricultural Exchange S L
Dubois Cultivation Base S L
Ferreyra Botanical Site S
Fujii Analytics Institution S
Gluschenko Nutrition Farm S
Grabe Hangar S M  
Heng Terminal S M  
Hogan Analysis Facility S L
Kaur Research Site S
   Melnick Penal colony - - - -
Obetsebi Excavation Platform M
   Piaget Prospect - - - -
Ponce Manufacturing Silo S L
Salinas Industrial Assembly M
Shore Industrial Workshop S
Thakur Industrial Plant S


13.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Araya Research Installation S L
Avicenna Refinery S M  
Bak's Genetics S L
Bardeen Hangar S M  
Bianchi Biological Laboratory S
Bray Pharmacology S
Bruno Biochemical Assembly S
Chon Engineering Depot L
Diaw Industrial Exchange L
Donoso Analytics Centre S L
Enver Manufacturing Site L
   Hackworth Relay - - - -
Hatwal Research S
Kong Analysis Enterprise S
Parekh Biological Laboratory S L
Quinn Genetics Installation S
Schmitt Research Expedition S L
Schulte's Genetics S
Serduk Engineering Foundry M
Skov Analytics Institution S
Varela Industrial Complex M
Yamada Analytics Site S L
Yang Biological Assembly S
Zhadan Genetics Enterprise S L


15.57 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alkaabi S M L  
Back Hub S M L  
   Bujold Installation - - - -
Costa Chemical Plant L
Dara Analytics Lab S
Enju Chemical Holdings L
Harry Moore & Co S M L  
Herrington Enterprise S M  
Ilsley Genetics Assembly S L
Jara Research Lab S L
Mao Forge L
Newberry's Works S L
Ribeiro Manufacturing Plant S L
Romano's Works S L
Shin Analytics Installation S
Sugimoto Engineering Base L
Sugiyama Mineralogic Facility S
Tank Penal colony S M L  
Vidal Manufacturing Base S L
Weber Industrial Hub L
Weiss Vision S M L  
   Zhigang Landing - - - -


15.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bellegrade Munitions Encampment M
Davis Dock S M L  
Fujimori Keep S M L  
Hoffmann Synthetics Facility L
Liang Engineering Forge L
Ryabokin Defence Outpost M
Stupka Chemical Productions L
Thoreau Orbital S M L