
Name SML Mug Gin
Araya Research Installation S L
Avicenna Refinery S M  
Bak's Genetics S L
Bardeen Hangar S M  
Bianchi Biological Laboratory S
Bray Pharmacology S
Bruno Biochemical Assembly S
Chon Engineering Depot L
Diaw Industrial Exchange L
Donoso Analytics Centre S L
Enver Manufacturing Site L
   Hackworth Relay - - - -
Hatwal Research S
Kong Analysis Enterprise S
Parekh Biological Laboratory S L
Quinn Genetics Installation S
Schmitt Research Expedition S L
Schulte's Genetics S
Serduk Engineering Foundry M
Skov Analytics Institution S
Varela Industrial Complex M
Yamada Analytics Site S L
Yang Biological Assembly S
Zhadan Genetics Enterprise S L

Closest systems to Aninohanu

CPO 24

2.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alves Analytics Site S L
Arsenault Biochemical Laboratory S
Augar Analytics Institution S L
Brazier Biochemical Enterprise S L
Briscoe Synthetics Assembly L
Chancellor Research Assembly S
Datla Agricultural Exchange S L
Dubois Cultivation Base S L
Ferreyra Botanical Site S
Fujii Analytics Institution S
Gluschenko Nutrition Farm S
Grabe Hangar S M  
Heng Terminal S M  
Hogan Analysis Facility S L
Kaur Research Site S
   Melnick Penal colony - - - -
Obetsebi Excavation Platform M
   Piaget Prospect - - - -
Ponce Manufacturing Silo S L
Salinas Industrial Assembly M
Shore Industrial Workshop S
Thakur Industrial Plant S


3.17 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Whit's Station S M L  


6.6 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Novitski Mines S M  
Otto Vision S M  

LHS 1122

7.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abebe Horticultural Habitat S L
Abega Botanical Estate S
Akintola Defence Barracks S
Altadonna Manufacturing Facility M
Amaechi Military Outpost S L
Amaike Leisure Site S L
   Anastase Perrotin Camp - - - -
Araujo Arms Hub M
Armstrong Arms Base S L
Bahuguna's Garrison S M
Bargh's Point S L
Baudelaire Chemical Works L
   Bayley's Claim - - - -
Beauchene Spa S L
Beauchene's Castings L
Bibeau Arms Garrison S M
Bonfils Defence Base M
Chancellor Fortification
Chauhan Munitions Hub S M
Clothier Industrial Depot L
Collins Military Fortification S L
DeBrocart Munitions Encampment M
Dovbush's Industrial S
Dyachenko Engineering L
Dzuba's Works L
   Fife Landing - - - -
Furaha Military Fortification S M
Griffith Gateway S M L  
Halley Orbital S M  
Hasegawa Passage S L
Hayashi Hydroponics Base S L
Heighton Synthetics Enterprise L
Heighton's Dock S L
Henry Engineering Installation L
Hume Military Hub S L
Indongo Horticultural Base S L
Ishikawa Command Outpost S L
Joo's Arsenal S L
   Keeler Forum - - - -
Lagos's Fort S L
Laurent Orbital S M  
Maddex Dredging Station S
Maiboroda's Command M
Maupertuis City S M L  
Mehta Engineering Enterprise M
Miyazaki Defence Site M
Morfett-Jones Engineering Exchange L
Murata's Fort S L
Nelson's Inheritance S M L  
Pelissier Industrial Exchange S
Qian Command Facility S L
Quiroga Defence Facility S M
Richardson Command Point S M
Rocha Defence Enterprise M
Sastry's Industrial L
Stride's Jurisdiction S L
Takada's Origin S L
Tolmie Excavation Site S L
Tolmie Keep
Torres Munitions Encampment S L
Wallis's Point S M
Washer's Control M
Yare Munitions Encampment M
Zubairu Nutrition Centre S

Kappa Phoenicis

9.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Manufacturing Installation L
Brownlie Hydroponics Base S L
   Cabana Installation - - - -
Chun's Landing S L
Filipchenko Hub S M L  
   Fisher Escape - - - -
Gonçalves Genetics Site S
Gresley Landing S M L  
Low Gateway S M  
Rawlins Horticultural Holdings S L
Uduike's Analytics S


10.63 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bethe Dock S M  
Bruni Synthetics Foundry S
Bulleid Ring S M  
Castillo Service S L
Dovzhenko Resort S L
Kamga's Sanctuary S L
Krisjanis Industrial Exchange M
Manuwa Chemical Workshop S
Namgung Military Fortification M
Okwo Industrial Holdings S
Omenuko Synthetics Assembly L
Oyinlola's Terminus S L
Quandt Synthetics Workshop L
Sar's Origin S L
Schwarz Industrial Base L
Vinogradov Port S M L  
Yakimchuk Chemical Silo S L


10.74 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gordon Enterprise S M L  
Ramaswamy Port S M  
Zewail Vision S M  

Tsim Binba

10.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Military Fort S L
Amato Horticultural Site S L
Bajwa's Stop M
Barbeau Munitions Complex S L
Bhatt Honour S L
Blaes Nutrition Facility S
Bustamante Arms Stockade S L
Chernykh Port S M  
Crellin's Gate M
Crossland's Fortress S L
   d'Arrest Relay - - - -
Denisenko's Control S L
Dexter Military Outpost M
Dynamo Jurisdiction M
Fearn's Inheritance S M L  
Gorbanenko Engineering Hub L
Kopal Orbital S M L  
   Kozlov Settlement - - - -
Krenkel Vision S M  
Markey Engineering Depot L
Ndiaye Outpost M
Noguchi Command Installation S L
Park Arms Facility M
Peralta Agricultural Farm S L
Rahman's Armament S
Reyes's Liberty S L
Savko Munitions Enterprise S M
Schouten Plant S M L  
South Munitions Outpost S M
   Vlamingh Settlement - - - -
Welleweerd Liberty S L
Wolff Military Complex M
Zivai Military Barracks S L

EGM 762

12.38 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Atte-Oudeyi Manufacturing Plant L
Hasegawa Chemical Works L
la Cosa Survey S M  
Maiga Industrial Facility S
Neff Dock S M  
Petrenko Drilling Territory S L


12.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bellegrade Munitions Encampment M
Davis Dock S M L  
Fujimori Keep S M L  
Hoffmann Synthetics Facility L
Liang Engineering Forge L
Ryabokin Defence Outpost M
Stupka Chemical Productions L
Thoreau Orbital S M L  


13.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bamford Camp S M L  
Brunel Station S M L  
Chaudhary Silo S M L  
Crellin-Davies Industries L
Dakhno Synthetics Holdings S
Ingstad Terminal S M L  
Jara's Watch M
Johnson Manufacturing Site S
Kapadia Chemical Exchange L
Lavoie Horticultural Nursery S L
Medina Bay S L
Pidmohylny Drilling Complex S L
Sacco Orbital S M L  

LTT 464

13.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Hambly Platform S M  
The Mariesh Manoevre S M L  

LFT 141

14.03 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Engineering Base L
Asaju Manufacturing Complex M
Bengrina Fortress M
   Berkey Relay - - - -
Blakytny Defence Outpost S L
Borde Engineering Installation M
Chuong Research Site S
Contreras Munitions Site M
Dewan Synthetics Depot L
Favre's Creations L
Hilborn Drilling Installation S L
Hilborn Extraction Complex M
Hussenot Refinery S M  
Kohler Industrial Exchange L
Maeda Arms Stockade S L
Marius Horizons S M  
Moulin Pharmacology S
Noel Construction L
Okwo Defence Site S L
   Palmer's Folly - - - -
Parnenzini Fortification S L
Pollard Research S
Prohasko Military Facility S L
Ribeiro Chemical Installation S L
Rodgers's Consulting S
Saito Munitions Installation S L
Suarez Engineering Exchange L
Tian Industrial Foundry M
Vitale Genetics Laboratory S
Wilhelm Bastion S M L  

Macu Kuang

14.05 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beauregard Chemical Base L
Carstensz Barracks S M L  
Charbonnier Manufacturing Plant S
Cox Horticultural Site S
Esposito's Habitat S
Frost Synthetics Depot L
Gardner Arsenal S M L  
Garnier Nutrition Holding S L
Hibberd Analytics Enterprise S
Ivanychuk Agricultural Complex S L
Koh Industrial Complex S
   Lasswitz Relay - - - -
Linnehan Works S M  
Lobbo Horticultural Exchange S L
Melo Synthetics Installation L
Moloi Hydroponics Range S L
Sarafanov Settlement S M  
Vega's Stop M


15.22 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amaechi Mineralogic Installation S L
Anotidaishe Horticultural Collection S L
Araya Genetics Site S L
Beauregard Biological Laboratory S
Bhasin Dredging Territory L
Grechko Plant S M L  
   Hartlib Holdings - - - -
Igbinedion Biological Forum S
Kostenko Biochemical Lab S
Moursi's Biome S L
Okoro Dredging Site S L
Olowe Metallurgic Hub S L
Richter Biological Laboratory S
Scully-Power Hangar S M  
Sengupta Mining Facility S L
Smoszna Industrial Assembly L
Sumlak Mining Platform S L
Takahashi's Exploration S
Ueno Chemical Workshop L
Wegener Holdings S M