
Name SML Mug Gin
Bamford Camp S M L  
Brunel Station S M L  
Chaudhary Silo S M L  
Crellin-Davies Industries L
Dakhno Synthetics Holdings S
Ingstad Terminal S M L  
Jara's Watch M
Johnson Manufacturing Site S
Kapadia Chemical Exchange L
Lavoie Horticultural Nursery S L
Medina Bay S L
Pidmohylny Drilling Complex S L
Sacco Orbital S M L  

Closest systems to Hyldekagati


5.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bellegrade Munitions Encampment M
Davis Dock S M L  
Fujimori Keep S M L  
Hoffmann Synthetics Facility L
Liang Engineering Forge L
Ryabokin Defence Outpost M
Stupka Chemical Productions L
Thoreau Orbital S M L  

YZ Fornacis

8.49 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarado's Journey S L
Apt Installation S M L  
Barr Dock S M  
Batra Horticultural Exchange S L
Bova Ring S M  
Buhle's Locus M
Charnas Depot S M L  
Crozier Industrial Exchange S
Davidson Gateway S M  
Dias Observatory S M L  
Fanning Beacon S M L  
Froud Beacon S M L  
Gentle Orbital S M L  
Hampson Horizons S M L  
i Sola Point S M L  
Jara Cultivation Base S L
Joo's Armament
Kotzebue Gateway S M L  
Lorenzo's Junction M
Lubbock Base S M L  
Ma Bridge
Matsui Industrial Forge S
Munn's Tranquility
Openko Sanctuary
Piccard Ring S M  
Rubruck Mine S M L  
Stasheff Terminal S M L  
Syvolap Engineering Site L


8.91 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anenih's Watch M
Anosike Command Base M
Chawla's Stop S L
Clarke Relay S M L  
Dino Industrial Complex L
Gutierrez Chemical Works S
Hopkins Enterprise S M  
Kaku City S M L  
Lane Nutrition Biome S L
Malins Manufacturing Depot M
Nolan Hub S M L  
Pangborn Observatory S M L  
   Parker's Claim +++ - - - -
Stride Horticultural Hub S L
Swanwick Keep S M L  
Tirjak Hydroponics Farm S
Vogel Orbital S M  
   Webb Silo - - - -


12.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Novitski Mines S M  
Otto Vision S M  

LFT 141

12.79 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Engineering Base L
Asaju Manufacturing Complex M
Bengrina Fortress M
   Berkey Relay - - - -
Blakytny Defence Outpost S L
Borde Engineering Installation M
Chuong Research Site S
Contreras Munitions Site M
Dewan Synthetics Depot L
Favre's Creations L
Hilborn Drilling Installation S L
Hilborn Extraction Complex M
Hussenot Refinery S M  
Kohler Industrial Exchange L
Maeda Arms Stockade S L
Marius Horizons S M  
Moulin Pharmacology S
Noel Construction L
Okwo Defence Site S L
   Palmer's Folly - - - -
Parnenzini Fortification S L
Pollard Research S
Prohasko Military Facility S L
Ribeiro Chemical Installation S L
Rodgers's Consulting S
Saito Munitions Installation S L
Suarez Engineering Exchange L
Tian Industrial Foundry M
Vitale Genetics Laboratory S
Wilhelm Bastion S M L  


13.1 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akintola Botanical Enterprise S
Amaike Prospecting Platform L
Baibuza Excavation Facility M
Baruwal Hydroponics Garden S L
Bastien Cultivation Biosphere S
Burke Horticultural Holding S
Chatterjee Cultivation Base S
Colley Cultivation Biosphere S L
Crown Port S M  
Dakhno Drilling Platform L
Dawkes Genetics Forum S L
Dovzhenko Hydroponics Site S
Dragomanov Agricultural Centre S L
Gallardo Excavation Complex L
Giuliani Cultivation Enterprise S L
Huber Botanical Market S
Huntley Botanical Enterprise S L
Lawler Hydroponics Range S L
Leckie Prospect S M L  
Ledesma Prospecting Installation S L
Loeffler Extraction Platform S L
Mazepa Botanical Collection S L
Mellors Mining Site M
Onai Agricultural Holdings
Shewayish Cultivation Nursery S L
Still Hangar S M  
Vega Agricultural S
Watson Settlement S M  
Yi Botanical Centre S


13.59 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aguta Defence Installation S L
Alaneme Stockade S L
Alonso Botanical Range S
Amato Engineering Foundry S
Antonaci Jurisdiction S M
Asaju Engineering Site L
Awolowo Hold S L
Back Base S M L  
Banerjee Hydroponics S L
Bernier Arms Base S L
Bhatt's Liberty S M
Bourne Watch S L
Christensson's Control S L
Constancia's Vista S L
Contreras Defence Installation S L
Dakhno Chemical Silo S
Edwards Manufacturing Exchange L
Faconti Chemical Works L
Faucher Nutrition Facility S L
Foster Industrial Hub L
Giuliani Hydroponics Collection S L
Guerrero's Eden S L
Henriquez Military Expedition M
Igbinedion's Muse S L
Jarvis Depot S
Kolev Command Installation S M
Koroma Horticultural Garden S
Kulkarni's Command S L
Le Guin Port S M  
   Lebedev Barracks - - - -
Lusmore's Encampment S M
   Maine Enterprise - - - -
Mangal Agricultural Market S
Marley City S M L  
Mitchell's Nursery S L
Moy Manufacturing Hub L
Murakami's Hold M
Nishimura Synthetics Base L
Obi Cultivation Exchange S L
Parekh Manufacturing Enterprise L
Park Military Barracks M
Pettitt Dock M
Poulton's Encampment S M
Rey Watch S M
Reyes Military Outpost S L
Russ City S M  
Scavo Synthetics Assembly M
Stupka Chemical Hub L
Taschieri Engineering Base L
Toure Industrial Depot L
Uchida Munitions Installation S M
Ueno's Haunt M
Valenzuela's Fort S L
Yakimchuk's Creations L
Yan Military Installation M
Zeng Munitions Hub S L


13.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Araya Research Installation S L
Avicenna Refinery S M  
Bak's Genetics S L
Bardeen Hangar S M  
Bianchi Biological Laboratory S
Bray Pharmacology S
Bruno Biochemical Assembly S
Chon Engineering Depot L
Diaw Industrial Exchange L
Donoso Analytics Centre S L
Enver Manufacturing Site L
   Hackworth Relay - - - -
Hatwal Research S
Kong Analysis Enterprise S
Parekh Biological Laboratory S L
Quinn Genetics Installation S
Schmitt Research Expedition S L
Schulte's Genetics S
Serduk Engineering Foundry M
Skov Analytics Institution S
Varela Industrial Complex M
Yamada Analytics Site S L
Yang Biological Assembly S
Zhadan Genetics Enterprise S L


14.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bonfils's Workshop L
Doroshenko's Industrial M
Ellis Dock S M  
   Hoffman Vision - - - -
   Malzberg Beacon +++ - - - -
Mastracchio Keep S M L  
Mehta Prospecting Exchange S
Nahm Manufacturing Depot M
Otueome Chemical Installation S
   Sauma Stop - - - -
Vogel Mining Platform S
Watson Platform S M  
Zadzisai Synthetics Facility L


15.06 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gardner Orbital S M L  


15.12 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Armero Enterprise S M L  
Baio Horticultural Habitat S
Bargh Mining Complex S
Bhardwaj Prospecting Complex S L
Braun Excavation Site S
Chakladar Prospecting Platform S
Dixon Dock S M  
Estrada Prospecting Installation S L
Folorunsho Territories M
Haldar Chemical M
Horwood's Burrow S L
Khanna Dredging Exchange M
Klein Nutrition Farm
Kolsuk Excavation Prospect S
Kryyst Synthetics Complex L
Lavigne Agricultural Nursery S
Morgan Cultivation Biome S L
Noel Dredging Enterprise M
Oksamit Extraction Territory S
Park Territories S L
Ryle Settlement S M L  
Sastry Cultivation Nursery S L
Stott Mineralogic Exploration
Sung Excavation Territory S
Vadamootoo Botanical Market S L
Vitale Hydroponics Habitat S
Wallis Platform S M  
Yoshida Industrial Forge L
Zsigmond Botanical S

NLTT 8065

15.22 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin

Chi Eridani

15.85 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alten Holdings S M L  
Armstrong Mines S M  
Berners-Lee Refinery S M L  
Blanchet Metallurgic Installation S
Bonetti Engineering Exchange L
   Cernan Settlement - - - -
Delgado Horticultural Collection S L
Egebe Formulations S
Endo Agricultural Garden S
Enju's Find S
Fry's Burrow M
Ling Nutrition Holdings S
Markus's Exploration S L
Mehta Drilling Rigs S
Mellier Synthetics Facility S
Nishimura's Habitat S L
Peralta Horticultural Plantation S L
Polischuk Nutrition Biome S L
Powell Cultivations S L
Reddy's Analytics S
Riquelme Biological Facility S
Shah Metallurgic Platform L
South Botanical Base S
Steve Masters S M L  
The Ascending Phoenix S M L  
Vera Agricultural Market S L

LTT 377

15.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ahern Enterprise S M  
Baio Defence Outpost M
Garneau Survey S M L  
   Greene Depot + - - - -
Macan Port S M  
MacKinnon Chemical Hub S
Maddex Synthetics Silo S
   McAllaster Silo - - - -
Moursi Encampment M
   Mueller Landing - - - -
Ngalula's Muse S L
Ogawa Synthetics Hub L
Otsuka's Foundry L
Pardue Chemical Enterprise S
Pianzola Munitions Base S M
Ribeiro Manufacturing Workshop L
Shi Depot L
Shin Synthetics Depot L
Vannier Military Garrison S L
   Weyl Refinery - - - -
   Wilkes Lab - - - -
   Wolfe Enterprise - - - -
Zoline Port S M L  

CPO 24

15.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alves Analytics Site S L
Arsenault Biochemical Laboratory S
Augar Analytics Institution S L
Brazier Biochemical Enterprise S L
Briscoe Synthetics Assembly L
Chancellor Research Assembly S
Datla Agricultural Exchange S L
Dubois Cultivation Base S L
Ferreyra Botanical Site S
Fujii Analytics Institution S
Gluschenko Nutrition Farm S
Grabe Hangar S M  
Heng Terminal S M  
Hogan Analysis Facility S L
Kaur Research Site S
   Melnick Penal colony - - - -
Obetsebi Excavation Platform M
   Piaget Prospect - - - -
Ponce Manufacturing Silo S L
Salinas Industrial Assembly M
Shore Industrial Workshop S
Thakur Industrial Plant S