
Name SML Mug Gin
Beck Research Installation S L
Bhasin Nutrition Holding S L
Deol Cultivation Collection S
Gluschenko Nurseries S
Iyengar Botanical Farm S
Macedo Enterprise S M L  
Marchand Manufacturing Complex M
Saito Excavation Base S L
Salinas Excavation Station S
Shimizu Manufacturing Workshop S L
The Ghost Giraffe Tourist Hub S M L  

Closest systems to Helveti

Ceti Sector CQ-Y b0

11.58 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Goldstein's Progress S M L  
Grego Landing S M L  


14.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bethke Colony S M  
Inoue Nutrition Collection S
Liouville Refinery S M  
Meyer Mineralogic Territory S
Obetsebi's Installation S L
Onishi Industrial Plant S
Rossi Synthetics Moulding S
Silva Mining Platform S L
Spielberg Vision S M L  


14.66 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Manufacturing Complex L
Alexandria Station S M  
Charlier Hub S M  
Chauhan Chemical Silo M
Gairola Genetics Lab S
Golds's Lodges S L
Graf's Club S L
Kashyap Chemical Productions L
Manuwa's Quest S L
Mori's Industrial M
Piazza's Industrial M
Powell Installation S M L  

Hyades Sector LX-U d2-76

15.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gunn Base S M L  

HIP 7852

16.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Accardo Prospecting S
Igwe Mining Territory S
Qian's Find S L
Saez Analytics Installation S L
Simmons Hub S M L  
Vasquez Construction S
Weaver Ring S M L  

Zi Yines

19.16 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Manufacturing Forge
Asimov Installation S M L  
Bahuguna Engineering Forge
Dawes Chemical Exchange
Gurshtein Vision S M  
Hirn Terminal S M  
Inoue Genetics Institution
Kashyap Industrial Moulding
Kosiy Engineering Site L
Kratman Base S M L  
Kvitka Synthetics Moulding
Mogyla Analysis Laboratory S
   Myeni Manufacturing - - - -
Noli Camp S M L  
Orellana Astrophysics Laboratory
Parnenzini Chemical Exchange L
van den Hove Settlement S M L  

Wolf 121

19.57 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abreo's Productions L
Aithal Mines L
Avery Engineering Base S
Boumal Metallurgic Site M
Busch Engineering Installation S
Chabra Engineering Site L
Charman Manufacturing Enterprise L
Crossland Excavation Platform S
Crossland Synthetics Moulding S L
Dynamo Synthetics Complex M
Elaschuk Excavation Territory S L
Gao Extraction Site S L
Goloborodko Industrial Creations S
   Great Laboratory - - - -
Hatwal Chemical Assembly L
Levinson Dock S M L  
Lorenzo Industries M
Matsumoto Construction S
Moore Engineering Foundry L
Morgan Dock S M  
Mulford Drilling Exploration S
Otero Industrial Installation
Pawlikowski Excavation Prospect S L
Powter Agricultural Holdings S
Ruiz Plantations S L
Sanchez Manufacturing Hub L
Sargent Excavation Site S
Senior Industrial Complex M
Stackpole Relay S M L  
Walker Excavation Platform S
Waudby Botanical Facility S
Wollheim Landing S M  
Zelenko Prospecting Enterprise S

HIP 9519

19.7 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abimbola Mineralogic Exploration L
Abiodun Dredging Reserve L
Ahn Excavation Complex L
Al-Jazari Settlement S M  
Almeida Dredging Installation L
Arsenault Biochemical Installation S
Bardin Mineralogic Base L
Baruti Extraction Site L
Bellamy Mineralogic Facility S
Bichard Dredging Platform L
Boldyr Chemical Workshop L
Bravo's Find L
Bruno Astrophysics Expedition S L
Burrows Extraction Territory L
Constancia Drilling Hub S
Crossland's Find S L
Dawes Mining Exploration S
Dewsnap's Territory S
Fletcher Dredging Hub L
Fontaine Mineralogic Reserve S L
Fujii Dredging Installation L
Ghatak Cultivation Hub S
Gomez Industrial Creations S
Gomez Industrial Works S
Hale Prospecting Platform S
Juarez Excavation Platform S L
Kambanda's Medicines S L
Karpenko Metallurgic Installation S
Khmelnytsky Chemical Base S
Konovalets Dredging Platform L
Kryyst Mining Complex L
Lemaire Drilling Exchange S L
Liang Mineralogic Station S
Locke Platform S M  
Lorenzo Dredging Facility L
Lyashenko Drilling Complex L
Maiboroda Drilling Station L
Malakar Industrial Productions S
Malins Dredging Facility S
Mallett Synthetics Plant S
Martin Mineralogic Site S
Mensah Mineralogic Claim S L
Morledge Dredging Complex L
Morledge Excavation Territory S L
Moy Chemical Assembly M
Nnamani Extraction Station L
Oliveira Manufacturing Plant L
Polischuk Engineering Installation S
Polischuk Mineralogic Exploration S
Priest Prospecting Exchange S L
Reyes Prospecting Site S
Rossi Chemical Assembly L
Saito Excavation Station S
Sato Extraction Site S
Sengupta's Territory S L
Shi Dredging Reserve S L
Soriano Extraction Hub S
Takeda Metallurgic Exchange L
Teklehaimanot's Burrow L
Tersoo Mineralogic Site S L
Thakur Analysis Centre S
Toussaint Dredging Site L
Vaaler Prospecting Rigs S L
Winstone Extraction Rigs S L
Wright Industrial Moulding L
Yamada Mining Exchange S
Yamamoto Nutrition Biosphere S
Yim Metallurgic Site S


21.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Babangida Military Fort S L
Burrows Inventions
Dishoeck Mines S M  
Glushko's Folly S M L  
Iyer Nutrition Farm S
Pilcher Platform S M  
Polubotok Nutrition Collection S
Rawlins's Garden S L
Siakam Outpost

HIP 11218

22.05 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abanda Mining Installation L
Arya Engineering S
Basu's Workshop L
Biggs Synthetics Base L
Biswas Dredging Facility S L
Bourne Metallurgic Site S
Carrizo Biological Expedition S
Clark Mineralogic Base S
Dayal's Reserve L
Devarajah Engineering Foundry L
Dogo's Minerals L
Kondo Biological Forum S
Kotsubinsky Horticultural Biome S L
Mangal Metallurgic Facility S
Mellors Cultivation Biosphere S L
Mofu Chemical Hub M
Mogyla Mineralogic Exploration S
North Ring S M L  
Opeyemi's Burrow S
Oshima Lab S M L  
Papacosta Botanical Enterprise S L
Pellegrino Base S M L  
Pena Mining Station L
Pomeroy Dredging Reserve S
Quinn's Nursery S
Rossi Mineralogic Reserve S
Rusten Manufacturing S
Santos Industrial Silo M
Scholey's Deposit S
Silverberg Prospect S M L  
Suk Botanical Enterprise S
Teixeira Excavation Site S L
Vogt's Exploration L
Vynnychenko Botanical Base S L
Weber's Installation M
Zambo Analysis Institution S L


22.79 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allegro Munitions Facility S L
Almeida-Vega Synthetics Depot L
Alonso Munitions Facility S M
Anderson Botanical Complex S
Aoki Nutrition Nursery S
Bai Hydroponics Collection S
Bajwa Botanical Collection S
Beck Industrial S
Blaes Jurisdiction M
Buckley Military Armoury S M
Bulychev Arsenal S M L  
Carrasco Munitions Hold S L
Clayton's Armament S M
Daisley Biological Consulting S
Dogo Nutrition Exchange S L
Donoso Point S M
Du Defence Outpost S L
Etienam Hydroponics Farm S
Fernandes Agricultural Garden S L
Flindt Astrophysics Installation S
Franklin Medical S L
Gallardo Defence Complex S L
Gallo Nutrition Collection S
Gavrylyuk Military Garrison S L
Greco Astrophysics Enterprise S
Hara Military Encampment S M
Ji Arms Installation M
Kagawa Vision S M L  
Kostenko Botanical Market S
Lee Vision S M L  
Leroy Mining Territory S
Malecela Camp S M
Mannan Armament M
McGuire Fortification S L
Mellier Defence Base M
Menariya Fort M
Messerschmitt Settlement S M  
Morfett-Jones Command Garrison M
Munn Munitions Stockade S M
Obetsebi Defence Base S L
Orji Botanical S
Ozarkevich Military Site S M
Paterson Munitions Hold S L
Prieto Landing S M
Qiao Hydroponics Biosphere S
Quiroga Botanical Plantation S
Schmid Astrophysics Institution S L
Schunmann Cultivation Exchange S L
Sepulveda Biochemical Site S
Shewayish's Stop M
Sibanda Mineralogic Exchange M
Stein Nutrition Exchange S L
Suk Cultivation Biosphere S
Taschieri's Nursery S L
Tummino Expedition S M
Vera Analysis Forum S
Watanabe's Barracks S L
Webster Foods S
Zyma Manufacturing Silo L

HIP 9742

22.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Agrawal Excavation Platform L
Aubakirov Port S M L  
Crellin-Davies Horticultural Site S L
Dashkevych Horticultural Garden S
Goloborodko Horticultural Facility S
Grushevsky's Habitat S
Gustard Hydroponics Site S L
Helms Park S M  
Karpenko Horticultural Complex S
Kary Agricultural Enterprise S
Keller Metallurgic Site S
Kulish Mineralogic Reserve S L
Kwon Mining Prospect S L
Maddex Botanical Exchange S
Messerschmid Landing S M  
Nolan Bastion S M L  
Park Vision S M L  
Patel Hydroponics Site S L
Pianzola Botanical Facility
Qian's Prospect S
Sung Agricultural Site
Webb's Habitat S
Zelenko Hydroponics Enterprise S

Ese Buj

23.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aveline Agricultural Biome S L
Badeaux Prospecting S L
Bennett Mining Facility L
Boulaid Horticultural Base S
Caceres Drilling Platform S
Chukwunyelu Dredging Platform S
Clark Mineralogic Territory M
Davis's Reserve S
Desai Agricultural Garden S
Doshi Botanical Market S
Egebe Metallurgic Exploration S
Fry Dredging Station S
Gowers Botanical Base S L
Griffiths Nutrition Facility S
Hatwal Metallurgic Platform L
Hickam Port S M  
Horwood Mineralogic Facility S L
Ivaschenko Agricultural Collection S
Ivaschenko Horticultural Enterprise S
Kabbah's Cheer M
Kapoor's Mineralogical S
Long Nutrition Holdings S
Parkinson Orbital S M  
Porzio Agricultural Enterprise S
Powell Horticultural Market S
Priest Terminal S M L  
Reyes Mining Platform S
Riches Drilling Site S
Schmidt Cultivation Estate S L
Shepherd Dredging Site M
Shore Prospecting Rigs S L
Sugiyama Dredging Reserve M
Swift Terminal S M L  
Szentmartony Landing S M L  
Uniyal Mining Installation S


23.79 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Pearse Mines S M  

HIP 10365

24.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allegro Biological S L
Anenih Agricultural Holding S L
August von Steinheil Station S M  
Awolowo Botanical Exchange S L
Benelhag Botanical Holding S L
Coye Dock S M  
Haas Chemical Productions L
Haas Nutrition Farm S
Hawke Bastion S M L  
Julian Vision S M L  
Kikuchi Tourism Hostel S L
   Mallett Analysis Institution - - - -
Moore Synthetics Hub S
Ricci's Keep M
Richelieu Biological Facility S
Thompson Horticultural Holding S