HIP 7852

Name SML Mug Gin
Accardo Prospecting S
Igwe Mining Territory S
Qian's Find S L
Saez Analytics Installation S L
Simmons Hub S M L  
Vasquez Construction S
Weaver Ring S M L  

Closest systems to HIP 7852


7.05 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bethke Colony S M  
Inoue Nutrition Collection S
Liouville Refinery S M  
Meyer Mineralogic Territory S
Obetsebi's Installation S L
Onishi Industrial Plant S
Rossi Synthetics Moulding S
Silva Mining Platform S L
Spielberg Vision S M L  

Ceti Sector CQ-Y b0

8.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Goldstein's Progress S M L  
Grego Landing S M L  


9.23 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Babangida Military Fort S L
Burrows Inventions
Dishoeck Mines S M  
Glushko's Folly S M L  
Iyer Nutrition Farm S
Pilcher Platform S M  
Polubotok Nutrition Collection S
Rawlins's Garden S L
Siakam Outpost

HIP 6712

11.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Mastracchio Installation S M  
Shore Extraction Rigs S L


11.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Pearse Mines S M  

Dacian Tse

12.15 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beliaev Vision S M L  
Osei's Reserve S L
Sharman Camp S M  

Zi Yines

13.06 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Manufacturing Forge
Asimov Installation S M L  
Bahuguna Engineering Forge
Dawes Chemical Exchange
Gurshtein Vision S M  
Hirn Terminal S M  
Inoue Genetics Institution
Kashyap Industrial Moulding
Kosiy Engineering Site L
Kratman Base S M L  
Kvitka Synthetics Moulding
Mogyla Analysis Laboratory S
   Myeni Manufacturing - - - -
Noli Camp S M L  
Orellana Astrophysics Laboratory
Parnenzini Chemical Exchange L
van den Hove Settlement S M L  


14.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Atte-Oudeyi's Exploration S L
Baker Synthetics Foundry L
Barbeau Astrophysics Enterprise S
Choo Bay M
Contreras Excavation Exchange S
Dino Industrial Installation L
Krikalev Hub S M  
Leo's Legacy S M L  
Lorenzo Chemical Plant S L
Maji's Sanctuary S L
Marsh Industrial Works S
McCabe Chemical Facility S
Miyazaki's Crest S L
Nomura's Creations S L
Okusanya Manufacturing Installation L
Olatunji Chemical Holdings S L
Oyekan Extraction Rigs S
Pardue Synthetics Plant L
Perez Biological Forum S
Poblete's Eden S L
Qian Analysis Forum S
Revin Orbital S M L  
Stammers's Constructions L
Wilson Industrial Productions L
Wrangel Base S M L  
Zewail Ring S M  


14.9 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bradley Depot S M L  
Rees Mine S M  


15.72 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Dukhnovenko Defence Outpost
Friedman Park S M  
Harrington Settlement S M L  
   Hughes Research Enterprise - - - -
Jackson Biochemical Facility S
Kerr Vision S M L  
Malecela Industrial Enterprise M
Mowatt's Fortification
Nnamani Barracks S L
Parker Ring S M  
Satapathy Fortress
Schofield Arms Site
   Taschieri Astrophysics Forum - - - -
Vasilyev Penal colony S M L  


15.85 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Manufacturing Complex L
Alexandria Station S M  
Charlier Hub S M  
Chauhan Chemical Silo M
Gairola Genetics Lab S
Golds's Lodges S L
Graf's Club S L
Kashyap Chemical Productions L
Manuwa's Quest S L
Mori's Industrial M
Piazza's Industrial M
Powell Installation S M L  

HIP 7759

16.1 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gehry Dock S M  
Hyecho Vision S M L  
Laghari's Claim S L
Mayer City S M  
Struzan Colony S M  


16.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beck Research Installation S L
Bhasin Nutrition Holding S L
Deol Cultivation Collection S
Gluschenko Nurseries S
Iyengar Botanical Farm S
Macedo Enterprise S M L  
Marchand Manufacturing Complex M
Saito Excavation Base S L
Salinas Excavation Station S
Shimizu Manufacturing Workshop S L
The Ghost Giraffe Tourist Hub S M L  

Ceti Sector EB-X b1-0

17.0 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Boas Outpost S M L  
Foreman Camp S M L  


18.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Babcock Vision S M