Historical Information for 70 Ophiuchi

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Bhritzameno 5.10
Altair 7.07
Wolf 629 8.25
LHS 3356 8.25
Wolf 718 8.83
Midgcut 9.27
36 Ophiuchi 9.49
Ross 154 9.49
Haghole 9.95
LHS 452 11.05
Barnard's Star 11.36
Colanja 11.36
WISE 1800+0134 11.36
LHS 449 12.65
Wolf 562 12.77
LP 816-60 13.08
V1581 Cygni 13.45
86 Mu Herculis 13.60
61 Cygni 13.93

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
70 Ophiuchi Gold Syndicate Bust Infrastructure Failure Happy 1.0% 8 hours ago
70 Ophiuchi Progressive Party Happy 2.8% 8 hours ago
New 70 Ophiuchi League Infrastructure Failure Happy 3.5% 8 hours ago
Lightspeed Accommodation Happy 5.21% 8 hours ago
Labour of 70 Ophiuchi Happy 13.01% 8 hours ago
Green Party of Bhritzameno Happy 20.12% 8 hours ago
Elite Rebel Force Infrastructure Failure Happy 54.35% 8 hours ago


Name # Ly
Luyten 347-14 3 14.28
Sol 6 16.40
La Rochelle 6 17.66
Ross 128 5 20.02
van Maanen's Star 5 22.89
Sirius 5 23.94