Historical Information for La Rochelle

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Lacaille 8760 3.00
Epsilon Indi 4.36
LHS 3531 6.08
Lacaille 9352 6.63
Stopover 6.78
Luyten 347-14 7.21
Delta Pavonis 7.28
EZ Aquarii 8.72
LHS 3836 8.83
Carener 9.11
LP 816-60 9.54
Ross 780 10.20
IL Aquarii 10.20
Luyten 205-128 10.49
Ross 154 10.49
LHS 449 10.95
Narenses 11.40
Sameni 12.00
Fomalhaut 12.12

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
La Rochelle Syndicate Famine Infrastructure Failure Discontented 1.0% 9 hours ago
La Rochelle Blue Netcoms Co Happy 4.41% 9 hours ago
Sirius Corporation Happy 6.92% 9 hours ago
Future of EZ Aquarii Happy 8.12% 9 hours ago
Carener Electronics Inc Happy 8.43% 9 hours ago
The Dark Wheel Happy 10.73% 9 hours ago
Equestrian Naval Fleet Infrastructure Failure Expansion Happy 60.38% 9 hours ago


Name # Ly
Luyten 347-14 3 7.21
Beta Hydri 6 13.60
Sol 6 15.00
van Maanen's Star 5 16.12
Sirius 5 18.47
Ross 128 5 22.56