Historical Information for Lacaille 9352

Nearby Systems

Name LY
EZ Aquarii 4.00
Epsilon Indi 4.36
Lacaille 8760 5.00
YZ Ceti 6.40
La Rochelle 6.63
Ross 780 7.21
IL Aquarii 7.21
Tau Ceti 7.28
TestRender 9.00
WISE 0855-0714 9.43
Ross 154 9.49
Alpha Centauri 9.54
Sol 9.85
SingleLightTest 9.85
Test 9.90
van Maanen's Star 10.20
Toolfa 10.20
Epsilon Eridani 10.25
Barnard's Star 10.44

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Lacaille 9352 Silver Gang Infrastructure Failure Bust Happy 1.0% 7 hours ago
Nobles of Lacaille 9352 Infrastructure Failure Happy 4.5% 7 hours ago
Confederation of Lacaille 9352 Happy 8.89% 7 hours ago
Quam Singulari Happy 10.59% 7 hours ago
Ross 780 Inc Election Happy 12.19% 7 hours ago
Barnard's Star Advanced Corp. Election Happy 12.19% 7 hours ago
Lacaille 9352 Jet State Holdings Boom Civil Liberty Elated 50.65% 7 hours ago


Name # Ly
La Rochelle 6 6.63
Sol 6 9.85
van Maanen's Star 5 10.20
Luyten 347-14 3 12.33
Sirius 5 13.45
Beta Hydri 6 17.23
Ross 128 5 19.10