Historical Information for YZ Ceti

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Tau Ceti 1.41
van Maanen's Star 5.39
Epsilon Eridani 6.00
Lacaille 9352 6.40
EZ Aquarii 7.00
TZ Arietis 7.28
Ross 780 8.06
IL Aquarii 8.06
Toolfa 9.00
Kokary 9.90
Epsilon Indi 10.30
TestRender 10.39
BR Piscium 10.49
Test 11.18
Sol 11.22
Zhi 11.22
Lacaille 8760 11.22
SingleLightTest 11.22
Omicron-2 Eridani 11.36

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Luyten 347-14 Confederation War Happy 8.32% 4 hours ago
Law Party of YZ Ceti War Happy 8.32% 4 hours ago
League of YZ Ceti First Civil Liberty Civil War Happy 10.65% 4 hours ago
YZ Ceti for Equality Civil War Happy 10.65% 4 hours ago
Fleur-De-Lys Armada Boom Happy 10.75% 4 hours ago
Future of EZ Aquarii Happy 11.97% 4 hours ago
YZ Ceti Blue Galactic & Co Boom Civil Liberty Elated 39.35% 4 hours ago


Name # Ly
van Maanen's Star 5 5.39
Sol 6 11.22
La Rochelle 6 12.37
Sirius 5 12.57
Luyten 347-14 3 18.68
Beta Hydri 6 20.40
Ross 128 5 20.98