Historical Information for TZ Arietis

Nearby Systems

Name LY
van Maanen's Star 4.24
Epsilon Eridani 7.00
Tau Ceti 7.14
YZ Ceti 7.28
Kokary 8.54
Groombridge 34 8.60
Omicron-2 Eridani 9.90
PSPF-LF 2 9.95
Lung 10.25
George Pantazis 11.00
BR Piscium 11.18
Wolf 25 11.70
EQ Pegasi 11.83
EZ Aquarii 12.08
Zhi 12.21
Ross 780 12.41
IL Aquarii 12.41
Struve 1321 12.45
Lacaille 9352 13.04

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
TZ Arietis Purple Council Happy 1.01% 4 hours ago
Workers of TZ Arietis Democrats Happy 6.39% 4 hours ago
George Pantazis Crimson Bridge Boom War Happy 8.01% 4 hours ago
Bureau of TZ Arietis Law Party War Happy 8.01% 4 hours ago
TZ Arietis Crimson Allied Inc Happy 8.42% 4 hours ago
Future of EZ Aquarii War Happy 9.63% 4 hours ago
Ross 154 Vision Partners War Happy 9.63% 4 hours ago
FrogCorp Boom Happy 48.88% 4 hours ago


Name # Ly
van Maanen's Star 5 4.24
Sol 6 13.75
Sirius 5 14.53
La Rochelle 6 19.34
Ross 128 5 22.91
Luyten 347-14 3 25.18