Historical Information for Andhi

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Formanjia 4.90
Bundena 5.39
Shuna 8.31
Tenchu 9.11
Kaliki 9.27
LTT 1581 10.49
LTT 1582 10.49
HIP 17276 11.58
LP 888-62 12.69
Ualak 13.49
Gandra 13.75
Lactonacaya 14.04
HIP 15286 14.14
Ambirikar 14.28
Mudhrid 14.59
HIP 18527 14.63
HR 1179 14.63
Geidmara 14.87
Haokipi 16.12

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Andhi Gold Comms Interstellar Happy 4.27% 1 day ago
Allied Andhi Focus Happy 4.46% 1 day ago
Nationalists of Andhi Happy 5.85% 1 day ago
Andhi Liberals Happy 7.74% 1 day ago
Social LTT 1581 Partnership Happy 10.52% 1 day ago
Tell's Wrath of Ugrivirii Happy 13.99% 1 day ago
Artemis Corporation Happy 53.17% 1 day ago


No Expansion Candidates Andhi