Historical Information for Arietis Sector MN-S b4-6

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Amijara 5.39
Hemaki 5.92
Vagha 6.00
Amisi 6.71
Thiini 7.00
Baraluhet 7.28
Huveang De 7.87
Vardh 8.66
Koraj 9.43
Chicoana 10.00
Gallavs 10.25
HIP 19428 10.30
Ross 591 10.72
Bhagutsuk 11.05
Pyritapiyar 11.18
Arietis Sector ZV-K a9-0 11.79
HIP 20094 12.65
Ulangin 13.56
Gliese 3299 13.64

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Vardh Purple Brotherhood Happy 7.0% 3 days ago
Nagii Union Expansion 13.0% 3 days ago
Confederacy of Bondranses Happy 20.0% 3 days ago
The Fatherhood Expansion Happy 60.0% 3 days ago


Name # Ly
Amijara 5 5.39
Vagha 6 6.00
Aluru 5 15.43
Guari 4 16.06
Igbon 4 17.23
Maidareldi 6 20.71
HIP 20895 6 21.77
Gliese 9119 6 22.45
Jamapa 5 24.29
Guan Zaihe 6 24.60
Njang 5 24.70
HIP 15609 5 25.77