Historical Information for Elska

Nearby Systems

Name LY
LTT 10918 6.78
Ross 345 12.69
Cenoi 12.73
Ausan 14.28
BD+55 570 14.76
Ross 364 15.39
Caill Reddi 15.68
Tirfing 16.76
Jadlillke 16.76
Lie Yu Kou 17.03
Zelada 17.75
LFT 269 17.75
Ruchbah 17.97
Warnates 18.03
Ottia 18.17
Huiche 18.25
Nommarini 19.21
Li Tzicnii 19.26
Alexandrinus 19.65

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Gold Bridge Corporation Happy 1.1% 8 hours ago
Elska Gold Clan Happy 3.49% 8 hours ago
Social Elska Resistance Civil War Happy 7.98% 8 hours ago
Bearers of the Flame Civil War Happy 7.98% 8 hours ago
Elska Flag Happy 8.67% 8 hours ago
Official Elska Movement Happy 14.66% 8 hours ago
Brotherhood of Terra Mater Happy 56.13% 8 hours ago


Name # Ly
PLX 695 5 21.47