Historical Information for Zelada

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Jadlillke 1.41
Njunmin 4.69
Li Tzicnii 4.90
NLTT 6655 6.32
MCC 378 7.48
Huiche 9.06
Hecate 10.95
Aymiay 12.45
Terra Mater 12.88
Arimil 13.60
NLTT 2969 14.18
Lie Yu Kou 14.32
NLTT 6667 15.03
Ququve 15.75
LP 245-17 15.81
BD+55 570 16.16
12 Persei 17.58
Elska 17.75
G 218-5 18.03

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Zelada Boys Bust Happy 1.3% 14 hours ago
Natural Zelada Law Party Happy 2.2% 14 hours ago
The Osiris Sentinels Happy 5.89% 14 hours ago
Revolutionary Party of Zelada Public Holiday Elated 6.89% 14 hours ago
Revolutionary Zelada Democrats Happy 7.49% 14 hours ago
Order of Enblackenment Happy 19.16% 14 hours ago
Aseveljet Public Holiday Civil Liberty Happy 57.09% 14 hours ago


Name # Ly
Terra Mater 5 12.88
PLX 695 5 24.04
Nastrond 5 25.57