Historical Information for Hecate

Nearby Systems

Name LY
MCC 378 6.32
Njunmin 7.35
Terra Mater 9.27
NLTT 6655 10.95
Zelada 10.95
Jadlillke 12.08
Li Tzicnii 12.33
LHS 137 12.69
NLTT 2969 13.15
NLTT 1139 13.64
FF Andromedae 14.87
G 218-5 15.26
NLTT 6667 15.30
Calarum 15.43
LP 294-40 15.59
Glaucus 15.84
LHS 6007 15.91
Huiche 15.94
Kamchairra 16.58

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Armada Retreat Happy 3.14% 8 hours ago
Hecate Council Happy 4.35% 8 hours ago
People's Party of Hecate Happy 6.68% 8 hours ago
Hecate Creative Industries Happy 9.11% 8 hours ago
Nobles of Hecate Election Happy 10.93% 8 hours ago
Order of the Sepulchre Election Happy 10.93% 8 hours ago
Brotherhood of Terra Mater Pirate Attack Boom Happy 54.86% 8 hours ago


Name # Ly
Terra Mater 5 9.27
Lodemovoi 6 24.06