Historical Information for HIP 115361

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HIP 116298 10.68
Lang 12.73
HIP 114195 16.09
Tau-3 Gruis 18.41
Kaupolis 18.47
Piapoyo 18.49
Jalai 18.60
HIP 116510 19.34
HIP 113142 19.72
Maikpod 19.90
Lulus 19.95
Cenni 20.15
Theta Phoenicis 20.22
Hernkopa 20.62
Bahpu 21.49
Chaitany 22.45
Kivati 22.65
Fidenses 22.72
Scirtoq 22.87

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 115361 Boys Happy 5.18% about 2 months ago
HIP 115361 Vision Interstellar Happy 5.48% about 2 months ago
Autocracy of HIP 115361 Happy 7.18% about 2 months ago
Revolutionary HIP 115361 Independents Happy 8.37% about 2 months ago
HIP 115361 Imperial Society Happy 10.07% about 2 months ago
Progressive Party of Hernkopa Happy 12.66% about 2 months ago
Tom Paine's Crew Expansion Happy 51.05% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
HIP 114195 5 16.09
Jalai 5 18.60
Theta Phoenicis 6 20.22
Ngomangatio 6 25.71