Historical Information for Lang

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Kaupolis 10.05
Bahpu 12.25
Lulus 12.57
HIP 115361 12.73
Kivati 13.75
Wirang 14.49
Scirtoq 15.52
Gandha Wu 15.94
Washiri 16.91
HIP 114709 18.28
Ikpe 18.84
HIP 115386 18.97
Njoerdhri 19.21
HIP 116500 19.34
Piapoyo 19.90
HIP 116298 20.05
HR 8993 20.32
Fidenses 20.64
Tau-3 Gruis 21.00

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Lang Fortune Inc Happy 2.23% about 1 month ago
Mafia of Lang Happy 2.94% about 1 month ago
Co-operative of Lang Happy 5.47% about 1 month ago
Arevat Solutions War Happy 11.03% about 1 month ago
Natural Kaupolis Order War Happy 11.03% about 1 month ago
Bahpu Citizen Party Boom Happy 67.31% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
HIP 116500 6 19.34
HIP 114195 5 21.66
Djaracates 6 22.74
Kanoai 6 23.79
Jalai 5 25.42