Historical Information for HIP 39391

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Polowar 5.39
Col 285 Sector LH-L c8-9 7.14
Salya 7.35
Abazates 8.60
Pacanis 9.11
Wadjalang 9.54
Aowindui 10.86
Pitjang 11.18
Bhil 11.70
Waima 12.08
HIP 41659 12.37
HIP 38646 13.00
HIP 39088 13.60
Ugras 15.65
HIP 42695 16.31
HIP 41426 18.89
Mongsakah 19.31
Col 285 Sector JM-L c8-20 19.67
HIP 42885 19.72

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 39391 Hand Gang Happy 1.09% about 1 month ago
Movement for HIP 39391 for Equality Happy 3.77% about 1 month ago
HIP 39088 Empire Assembly Happy 5.85% about 1 month ago
HIP 39391 Commodities Happy 5.95% about 1 month ago
Conservatives of HIP 39391 Happy 5.95% about 1 month ago
Union of HIP 41426 Future Happy 10.02% about 1 month ago
HIP 39391 Citizens' Forum Happy 67.36% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
Ugras 6 15.65
HIP 41426 6 18.89
Ramadillan 6 19.75
Wuning 6 21.38
Col 285 Sector VT-W b16-7 6 21.84
Koboga 6 25.46
HIP 35965 6 25.50