Historical Information for HIP 41659

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HIP 42695 8.06
Pitjang 8.37
HIP 41426 9.49
Col 285 Sector VT-W b16-7 10.00
Pacanis 12.08
HIP 42885 12.17
HIP 39391 12.37
Ki Laufey 12.57
Col 285 Sector LH-L c8-9 12.57
Fintamans 14.59
Abazates 15.59
Waima 16.40
Salya 16.64
Polowar 17.55
Wuning 18.17
Col 285 Sector JM-L c8-20 18.71
HIP 39088 18.87
Sun Pef 19.62
Wadjalang 20.05

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Invasive Fleet of the Four Suns Happy 0.99% 4 hours ago
HIP 41659 Gold Partnership Happy 1.89% 4 hours ago
HIP 41659 Purple Ring Happy 1.99% 4 hours ago
Independent HIP 41659 People's Party Happy 2.29% 4 hours ago
HIP 41659 Blue Life Holdings Happy 4.87% 4 hours ago
Union of HIP 41426 Future Happy 25.65% 4 hours ago
HIP 41659 Empire Consulate Happy 62.33% 4 hours ago


Name # Ly
HIP 41426 6 9.49
Col 285 Sector VT-W b16-7 6 10.00
Wuning 6 18.17
Ugras 6 21.49
Li Chotep 6 25.67