Historical Information for HIP 92900

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Phra Ram 5.10
Fongzi 9.27
Kumbia 9.70
Mongira 10.05
Col 285 Sector QQ-I b24-3 11.92
Mingh 12.04
Bosanos 12.73
Heitsi 14.53
Wongsun 15.33
Xue Zhan 16.40
Bidia 16.79
Nyaliep 17.23
Asha 17.69
Hatis 18.28
Rusamai 18.63
Bungk 19.67
Ngari 19.82
Khones 19.87
Astrigond 19.95

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Kumbia Labour Happy 5.41% 2 months ago
Phra Ram Future Happy 8.01% 2 months ago
The Mercs of Mikunn Happy 8.21% 2 months ago
Chicoba Universal Group Happy 21.52% 2 months ago
Bhumijaban Monarchy Happy 56.86% 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Phra Ram 6 5.10
Fongzi 6 9.27
Mongira 4 10.05
Bosanos 6 12.73
Nyaliep 5 17.23
Rusamai 6 18.63
Bungk 6 19.67
Col 285 Sector UK-E c12-29 4 20.05
Bhumijaban 5 21.21
Col 285 Sector BF-W a45-0 5 24.35
Kigaedu 4 24.86
Sakaere 6 24.90
Col 285 Sector WF-E c12-13 3 25.02
Pukkeenat 5 25.65
Apisnik 6 25.67
Nauracota 6 25.71