Historical Information for Lalande 10797

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Ninmah 7.68
GD 69 10.82
G 98-44 11.00
Labe 11.00
Kareneri 12.37
Zach 13.19
Wakawal 13.30
LFT 446 13.60
NLTT 16389 13.60
Deriv-Dar 13.60
LP 254-27 14.76
Gertrud 14.87
HIP 28774 15.00
NN 3365 15.00
Condharwal 15.30
Uchaluroja 15.36
SPOCS 253 15.94
LHS 6103 16.12
Tao Ti 16.43

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Allied Lalande 10797 Liberty Party Happy 3.0% 15 hours ago
League of Lalande 10797 Front Happy 3.9% 15 hours ago
Order of Enblackenment Happy 5.81% 15 hours ago
Lalande 10797 Values Party Happy 5.91% 15 hours ago
Lalande 10797 Blue Vision Sysy Happy 7.61% 15 hours ago
Lalande 10797 Comms Holdings Public Holiday Elated 14.91% 15 hours ago
THE AZGHARIE Happy 58.86% 15 hours ago


Name # Ly
Zephyrus 6 17.46
Nandjabinja 6 18.57
Bonde 6 22.93