Historical Information for Uchaluroja

Nearby Systems

Name LY
GD 69 6.71
Gertrud 6.71
Ndozins 11.49
BD+49 1280 12.08
Geras 12.37
Ninmah 13.08
Bonde 14.21
LHS 197 14.28
LHS 21 14.46
Tao Ti 15.03
Lalande 10797 15.36
LP 128-9 15.39
Athra 16.06
15 Lambda Aurigae 16.16
LHS 1794 16.19
V491 Persei 16.34
Capella 16.40
Fortuna 16.67
Zephyrus 16.76

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Uchaluroja Purple Brotherhood Happy 1.0% 17 hours ago
Liberty Party of Uchaluroja Happy 5.21% 17 hours ago
Purple Transport Industry Happy 5.91% 17 hours ago
Progressive Party of Uchaluroja Happy 6.71% 17 hours ago
Uchaluroja Travel Industries Happy 8.42% 17 hours ago
GD 69 League Happy 13.03% 17 hours ago
The Fatherhood Expansion Happy 59.72% 17 hours ago


Name # Ly
Bonde 6 14.21
Zephyrus 6 16.76
Nandjabinja 6 17.92