Historical Information for Lemayak

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Zarya Manas 8.72
Pegasi Sector NN-T c3-11 10.10
Gliese 4261 10.44
Adlivun 14.76
Pegasi Sector NN-T c3-9 15.33
HR 8461 25.02
HIP 108282 25.14
Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-116 26.13
HIP 110943 31.80
HR 8250 35.16
Brultamaci 35.74
Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-59 36.03
HIP 111369 37.43
Binju 37.64
Neitsi 38.20
Panjabell 39.17
Pegasi Sector MC-V c2-12 40.27
Oromila 40.91
Belgeth 41.24

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
The Fuel Rats Mischief Happy 11.79% 3 months ago
The Watchtower Happy 15.78% 3 months ago
Lemayak Partnership Happy 18.88% 3 months ago
Lemayak Silver Life PLC Happy 21.08% 3 months ago
League of Zarya Manas Order Happy 32.47% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-T c3-11 5 10.10
Gliese 4261 5 10.44
Adlivun 4 14.76
Pegasi Sector NN-T c3-9 4 15.33
HR 8461 5 25.02