Historical Information for NLTT 21176

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HDS 1353 5.10
Omani 9.54
BD+40 2208 10.82
Lalande 17161 10.86
37 Lyncis 11.36
Meminii 11.79
Maya 13.04
LHS 2205 13.19
NLTT 20330 13.96
Dilati 14.07
Fugeniez 14.35
G 116-72 14.35
15 Ursae Majoris 15.03
G 146-5 15.17
Meelov 15.23
Turna 15.30
HIP 40170 15.59
Chandra 16.12
Maghirvii 16.40

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Crew of NLTT 21176 Happy 3.29% 17 hours ago
Independents of BD+40 2208 Happy 6.99% 17 hours ago
NLTT 21176 Purple Electronics Infrastructure Failure Civil War Happy 10.28% 17 hours ago
Liberals of NLTT 21176 Civil War Happy 12.38% 17 hours ago
HDS 1353 Values Party War Happy 14.07% 17 hours ago
Law Party of NLTT 21176 War Happy 14.07% 17 hours ago
Maya Free Boom Happy 38.92% 17 hours ago


Name # Ly
Songol 6 16.58
Sons 6 24.06
37 Ursae Majoris 5 24.78
BD+38 2037 6 25.02