Historical Information for Nzamnite

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Sedia 4.12
Tigurd 4.24
Scorpii Sector DB-X b1-8 4.36
Maik 5.92
Silvantzin 6.00
Wiknatanja 6.71
HR 6836 7.55
LHS 5333 9.27
Kholo 10.05
Andowatye 10.39
BPM 62891 10.49
Indjigan 10.72
Wulganda 10.77
Partha 11.05
Harram 11.75
Kuukese 12.08
CD-22 12617 12.12
Sama 12.33
Mokobidji 12.57

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Nzamnite Raiders Happy 2.0% 10 hours ago
Bureau of Nzamnite Regulatory State Happy 7.71% 10 hours ago
HR 6836 Bridge Exchange Happy 9.11% 10 hours ago
Revolutionary Nzamnite Liberals Civil War Happy 9.51% 10 hours ago
Nzamnite Purple General Network Civil War Happy 9.51% 10 hours ago
Citizen Party of Grabil Expansion Happy 11.91% 10 hours ago
Federal Expeditionary Armed Response Pirate Attack Boom Happy 50.25% 10 hours ago


Name # Ly
Andowatye 6 10.39
Indjigan 6 10.72
Kuring 6 23.56
Icovit 6 25.67