Historical Information for Wulganda

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Harram 1.41
Partha 4.24
Indjigan 5.20
Erh Longo 8.31
Maik 10.34
Tigurd 10.49
Binde 10.49
Nzamnite 10.77
45 d Ophiuchi 10.82
Scorpii Sector DB-X b1-8 11.45
BPM 62891 12.08
LHS 5333 12.41
CD-22 12617 12.45
Sedia 13.75
Kigana 13.86
CD-28 12950 14.87
LTT 7251 14.87
Jormbuti 15.00
Wiknatanja 15.13

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Nationals of Wulganda Happy 2.09% 4 minutes ago
Wulganda Gold Camorra Happy 2.29% 4 minutes ago
Bureau of Wulganda Focus Happy 2.89% 4 minutes ago
Wulganda Services Happy 5.98% 4 minutes ago
People's Wulganda Free Civil War Happy 8.37% 4 minutes ago
Wing legion Civil War Happy 8.37% 4 minutes ago
People's Gungnir Values Party Boom Happy 70.02% 4 minutes ago


Name # Ly
Indjigan 6 5.20
Kuring 6 19.67
Andowatye 6 19.80
G Scorpii 6 25.77