Historical Information for Ofan

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Lisang 6.71
HR 6177 8.12
Ngaliep 8.49
Kupol Bumba 10.05
Nilfheim 10.86
Ratemere 11.40
Epsilon-2 Arae 11.92
Superty 12.33
Pthan Yi 12.41
Tupeng Yu 13.75
Maopi 13.93
V371 Normae 14.18
Juipek 14.28
Ugraswar 14.32
Mam 14.35
Naunin 14.46
Hmargk 14.73
Tamba 15.13
Smethells 1 16.03

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Ofan Gold Galactic Corp. Happy 5.32% 3 days ago
League of Ofan Movement Happy 5.32% 3 days ago
Bureau of Ofan Happy 5.61% 3 days ago
Ofan Resistance Happy 7.78% 3 days ago
Silver Creative Limited Happy 13.58% 3 days ago
Fathers of Nontime Happy 18.11% 3 days ago
SSL Interstellar PLC Happy 44.29% 3 days ago


No Expansion Candidates Ofan