Historical Information for Ugraswar

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Mam 8.06
Ibibara 8.06
HR 6177 9.00
V841 Arae 11.70
SPOCS 678 12.37
Wongi 12.88
Banebdjetet 13.27
Ngaliep 13.89
Ofan 14.32
Bijedeta 14.59
Kunggul 14.70
HIP 85960 14.76
LTT 6299 15.30
Tamba 15.36
Lisang 15.43
Kulkan Lung 16.03
Maopi 16.16
Medimunda 16.73
Kupol Bumba 16.91

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Ugraswar Hand Gang Happy 2.79% 4 days ago
Order of Ugraswar Happy 6.09% 4 days ago
The Fallen Wing Happy 7.29% 4 days ago
Ugraswar Blue Comms Systems Happy 9.68% 4 days ago
Ugraswar Solutions Happy 13.47% 4 days ago
Ugraswar Resistance Happy 19.16% 4 days ago
Fathers of Nontime Happy 41.52% 4 days ago


Name # Ly
Damoch 6 22.16