Historical Information for Wonga

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Bhumian 7.07
Cant 13.30
Wikmung 15.07
Ladagao 15.07
Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c6 16.91
Masar 20.25
Caudji 20.54
Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c5 20.78
HIP 2761 20.90
Hsuan Zu 21.05
Khary 21.26
Osire Fades 22.29
Banji 22.49
HIP 293 23.04
HIP 3864 23.85
Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c11 23.96
Bende 24.45
Arikudiil 25.40
HIP 2881 27.09

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Wonga Raiders Happy 1.0% 3 months ago
Remus Salvus Mortem Happy 6.11% 3 months ago
Wonga Dynamic Commodities Happy 6.51% 3 months ago
Unionists of Wonga Happy 10.12% 3 months ago
Wonga Purple Allied Industry Happy 11.72% 3 months ago
Wonga Citizens' Forum Happy 14.43% 3 months ago
The Void Walkers Expansion Happy 50.1% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Wikmung 6 15.07
Ladagao 4 15.07
Masar 5 20.25
Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c5 4 20.78
HIP 2761 6 20.90
Hsuan Zu 6 21.05
Banji 4 22.49
Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c11 5 23.96