Historical Information for Sekhemet

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Nott 5.83
EGGR 431 6.40
Tau-1 Hydrae 7.21
Ngardamayo 9.43
Shapash 10.49
LFT 601 10.49
Atarapa 10.68
Olorun 10.95
Sumarr 11.00
Hlocidirus 11.40
Ross 623 12.04
LHS 2094 12.25
Dala 12.45
Fasti 12.57
Ross 625 13.60
Anna Perenna 13.64
Tyche 15.30
LP 486-49 15.39
BD+03 2279 15.68

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Brothers of Sekhemet Happy 1.0% 15 hours ago
Sekhemet First Happy 1.0% 15 hours ago
New Sekhemet Constitution Party Happy 4.11% 15 hours ago
Liberals of Sekhemet Happy 4.61% 15 hours ago
Sekhemet Silver Allied Inc Happy 6.81% 15 hours ago
Minutemen Expansion Happy 13.93% 15 hours ago
501st Federal Mercenary Corps Happy 68.54% 15 hours ago


No Expansion Candidates Sekhemet