Historical Information for Kalak

Nearby Systems

Name LY
109 Piscium 7.81
Kehperagwe 8.06
Lan Gundi 8.06
Volkhabe 8.49
BD+23 204 10.25
NLTT 5369 10.82
SPOCS 111 12.08
BD-21 4791 12.08
Sugana 12.88
Woda 13.04
BD+23 296 13.93
HIP 10050 14.07
LHS 1246 15.17
HIP 6796 15.33
Tangaroa 15.65
Baldr 16.28
Lembava 16.82
23 Arietis 16.91
Parenni 17.03

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Kalak Gold Brothers Bust Happy 1.2% 25 minutes ago
Democrats of Kalak Infrastructure Failure Happy 2.0% 25 minutes ago
Order of Kalak Happy 2.2% 25 minutes ago
Kalak Autocracy Happy 2.81% 25 minutes ago
Kalak Dynamic Partners Election Happy 8.42% 25 minutes ago
Ukrainian Pilots Federation Expansion Election Happy 8.42% 25 minutes ago
MediCorp Expansion Boom Civil Liberty Infrastructure Failure Happy 74.95% 25 minutes ago


No Expansion Candidates Kalak